NPE in the News

September 1, 2023

One Question: What’s Behind the Politics of School Choice?

The simple answer is the destruction of our democratically governed public schools. The concept of “the money follows the child” plays nicely into the rightwing, libertarian goal of having families, not taxpayers, pay for K–12 education. 

September 1, 2023

The Real Agenda of Moms for Liberty

The officials all spoke of the need to return to a “classical” education, which has become a dog whistle for Christian nationalists who oppose efforts to teach children about racism and gender diversity in the classroom, as a report by the Network for Public Education showed.

September 1, 2023

The Right-Wing Think Tank That the Charter School Industry Relies On

Choice for choice’s sake—originally a secondary rationale for charters—has become the go-to line of charter school proponents. Meanwhile, measures of academic performance have faded into the background as a justification for school options. Nevertheless, for years, the question of whether or not charter schools academically out-perform traditional public schools has gnawed at the industry like an annoying uncle who insists on having the last word in every family debate.

September 1, 2023

Don’t be fooled by the spin: Republicans are banning courses and harassing teachers out of their job

Carol Corbett Burris, executive director of the Network for Public Education described the end game that Republicans are aiming for: "It will be a stratified system, where wealthy kids receive the absolute best education; kids in the middle will probably receive a decent education; and kids that are poor and disadvantaged will sit in a big room in front of computers with someone standing at the door keeping them in."

July 1, 2023

Report Examines The World Of Right Wing Charter Schools

The Network for Public Education, a pro-public education advocacy group, today released a new report. “A Sharp Right Turn” looks at how “a new breed of charter schools delivers the conservative agenda.”