Author Archives for CarolBurris

In Fact or Fallacy: NPE Critiques Latest CREDO Report

July 19, 2023 11:43 am Published by Comments Off on In Fact or Fallacy: NPE Critiques Latest CREDO Report

Whose interests does CREDO really represent? The public or its funders? Or the interests of the right-wing Hoover Institution? Read our report and find out.Whose interests does CREDO really represent? The public or its funders? Or the interests of the right-wing Hoover Institution? Read our report and find out.

NPE Statement on Supreme Court Decision: SFFA v. Harvard and FFA v. UNC

June 30, 2023 8:10 pm Published by Comments Off on NPE Statement on Supreme Court Decision: SFFA v. Harvard and FFA v. UNC

The Network for Public Education is deeply disappointed by the Supreme Court’s decision to declare that universities and colleges' holistic, race-conscious admissions processes are unconstitutional. The ruling tramples on academic freedom and the interest of universities and colleges in assembling a diverse student body.

Diane Ravitch in Conversation with Kevin Welner

March 22, 2023 9:19 pm Published by Comments Off on Diane Ravitch in Conversation with Kevin Welner

Diane and Kevin discuss the Schools of Opportunity Program with representatives of the award-winning Lincoln High School in Lincoln Nebraska. .