Conference Highlights, Illinois Voucher Victory and More
Before we get to some great news, I need to ask for your help. All of the important work that we do cannot happen without your financial support. We do not have the Walton Foundation and the Koch Brothers pouring millions into our account. We survive because of people like you who are willing to make one-time or monthly donations, especially during the holiday season. Please give to the Network for Public Education. Help us keep the lights on. Your donation is tax-deductible. Thank you for your support. |
Make Your Donation Here |
Our Tenth Anniversary Conference was an Outstanding Success |
That is what we heard, over and over, from the over 400 attendees who came from all over the United States to gather in Washington D.C. Over 200 organizations, national, state,and local, sent representatives to convene with us last month. You can watch our keynote speakers as well as seven of our forty-four panels and highlights of previous conferences by clicking the image below. |
Great news. Last week, the Illinois state legislature let that state’s voucher program sunset without renewal. Much of the credit goes to a small but tenacious grassroots group in our network, Illinois Families for Public Schools. NPE was proud to sign on to their efforts. You can read more about it here. |
And the good news does not end there.