Our mission: To preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.

Grassroots Education Network- August 2023 Newsletter

The NPE Grassroots Education Network is a nationwide network of over 195 grassroots organizations that have joined together to preserve, promote, improve, and strengthen our public schools. If you know of a group that would like to join this robust network, please go here to sign on. 

If you have any questions about the NPE Grassroots Education Network, please get in touch with Marla Kilfoyle, NPE Grassroots Education Network Liaison, at ma***********@ne***********************.org

Notes from Marla

The 2023 NPE Action/NPE Tenth Anniversary Conference is gaining steam as the education conference of the year. Set in our nation’s capital, we promise this will be our most important conference. We will meet in the beautiful and historic Capital Hilton for two days of workshops, inspirational speakers, and a celebration of ten years of the Network for Public Education founded and led by Diane Ravitch. 

Our conference theme, Public Schools: Where Democracy Grows, could not be timelier as we fight for the freedom to teach with honesty and integrity and support our democratically elected school boards that serve even when their every decision comes under fire. 

And as always, we will discuss how we can fight for our democratically controlled schools, owned and governed by the public, not by privatized interests.

If you go to our conference site, you will find links to the following:

· Register for the conference.

· Reserve your discounted hotel room quickly as they are filling up fast.

Following the conference, we will visit our representatives in Congress on Monday to discuss the importance and needs of our public schools. Please stay and join us! Discounted rooms are available for Sunday night as well. 

We can’t wait to see you this October as we celebrate our tenth anniversary.

National Organizing

The Network for Public Education conference is filling up fast.  Please see the information above and get your ticket today! Defending the Early Years is a non-profit organization working for a just, equitable, and quality early childhood education for every young child. DEY advocates for strong economic and social safety nets for all children because equitable education can only occur when society meets children’s basic needs for whole health and well-being. In The Public Interest is a national nonprofit research and policy organization that studies public goods and services. We help community organizations, advocacy groups, public officials, researchers, and the general public understand how the privatization of public goods impacts service quality, democracy, equity, and government budgets. The Journey for Justice Alliance was launched in 2012, in response to the growing problem of school privatization (starving of neighborhood schools, school closings, charter and contract school expansion, turnarounds) impacting cities across the United States. Initially starting with Chicago, Detroit, Newark, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington DC, Oakland, Euphora MS and Minneapolis, J4J started with monthly conference calls to build connections. From there, in 2013 they organized a 5000-person march from the U.S. Department of Labor to the U.S. Department of Education to advocate for summer jobs and ending the harmful practice of school closings. To learn more about their work please visit their website. The Schott Foundation builds infrastructure and sustainability for grassroots organizations working for racial justice in public education. To learn more about their work visit their website. Rethinking Schools is a nonprofit publisher and advocacy organization dedicated to sustaining and strengthening public education through social justice teaching and education activism. Their magazine, books, and other resources promote equity and racial justice in the classroom. They encourage grassroots efforts in schools and communities to enhance the learning and well-being of children and to build a broad democratic movement for social and environmental justice.The Parent Coalition for Student Privacy was founded in July 2014 by Leonie Haimson of New York and Rachael Stickland of Colorado, two parent advocates who successfully led the battle to stop nine states from disclosing their personal student data to inBloom Inc.  InBloom was designed to be a massive student database, with the goal of more easily sharing this information with for-profit data- mining vendors and other third parties without parent notification or consent.  The Coalition which includes parents of nearly every state is now co-chaired by Leonie and by Cassie Creswell of Illinois Families for Public Schools.  Go to their website for some amazing resources. Parents for Public Schools, Inc. advances the role of families and communities in securing a high quality public education for every child. To learn more about their work please visit their website

Parents Across America has a fantastic website full of resources for parents across the country. The Badass Teachers Association (BATs) members reject racially and socially oppressive profit-driven education reform. To learn more about their work visit their website. Trinational Coalition to Defend Public Education (USA) has a public Facebook group that features information from Canada, Mexico, and the US about how communities are navigating the attempt to privatize public education. The Ontario (Canada) Secondary School Teachers Federation is committed to protecting and enhancing public education in Canada. Visit their website to learn more about how they accomplish this goal. Support Our Students Alberta is a non-partisan, non-profit public education advocacy group fighting for the rights of all children to an equitable and accessible public education system. They are all volunteers; they are proud, engaged citizens of Alberta who believe that when people meet the needs of the most vulnerable children, we elevate the quality of life for all children.  They volunteer their time and energy not for their own children; they do it because they believe in the institution of public education. Uniting to Save Our Schools (USOS) hosted a Demoralization vs. Burnout webinar in early 2023. You can view that video here. First Focus Campaign for Children is a bipartisan advocacy organization dedicated to making children and families the priority in federal policy and budget decisions. Their organization leads a comprehensive advocacy strategy, with its hands-on experience with federal policymaking and a commitment to seeking policy solutions.

Kinderchat hosts its popular Twitter chat every Monday at 9 PM EST. The chats are informative and provide excellent resources for teaching kindergarteners. Check them out on Twitter at #Kinderchat. Kinderchat also has a fantastic website full of resources. Instituto Nueva Escuela was born from a group of schools (calling themselves “sister schools”) that joined forces in 2004, in search of a school model that would meet the needs of their adult learners and communities. To learn more about their work visit their website. Fairplay’s is the leading nonprofit organization committed to helping children thrive in an increasingly commercialized, screen-obsessed culture, and the only organization dedicated to ending marketing to children. Equal Opportunity Schools can help you to get a clear understanding of student interest and make informed decisions about advanced course programming. Go here to get more information.  Uniting for Children and Youth (Canada) are concerned citizens of Ottawa-Outaouais. They aim to build awareness of how they can improve life for children and youth. Go here to keep up with all of their events and actions. National Educators United was started by a group of educator leaders of statewide activist groups in over ten states. After launching on December 14, 2019, they now have thousands of members and their nationwide network is growing fast. To learn more about their work, visit their website. Be sure to check out the Saffron Initiative on Link Tree for all their initiative work and media platforms. The Federación de Maestros de Puerto Rico is an organization with more than 50 years of history in defense of public schools and education in Puerto Rico. To learn more please visit their open Facebook page. Defense of Democracy advocates for parents, teachers, students, librarians and all Americans who are fighting every day to protect their civil rights from hate groups. The Education Truth Project was founded in May of 2022 when their founder saw the grotesque attacks on public education spreading like wildfire across the nation. To keep up with their events and activities visit their public Facebook page. 

State Organizing 

Please use this information clearinghouse to inform people in the various states about the NPE Grassroots Education Network organizations. Please encourage people to join them and support their work! Call family, friends, and colleagues to join the fight to save public education. This section is also a place to get great ideas on organizing and actions. 


SOS (Support our Students) shares information about the Corporate Education Reform movement and Common Core. Be sure to visit their Facebook page for updated


Grassroots Arkansas is a coalition of activists dedicated to fighting for an equitable Central Arkansas. They want to bring an end to social, economic, political injustice and inequality by transforming the power relations and structures that create and hold them in place. They place education at the democratic center of this struggle that reaches every aspect of our lives. To learn more about their work visit their open Facebook page. 


Voices for Education is working hard to update the public on the news regarding public education in Arizona. Be sure to visit Arizonans for Charter School Accountability website, which offers resources that compare charter school and public school spending. Save Our Schools Arizona shared their video of their Executive Director Beth Lewis taking on Moms for Liberty on Think Tank. Arizona Educators United #RedForEd movement is about educators coming together in solidarity for students, schools, colleagues, and communities to fight for the schools our students deserve. Be sure to give them a follow on their social media platforms here and here.  


California Educators United is a rank-and-file-led network of educators and supporters of public education. They are part of the racial equity and social justice movement, fully funded public education through progressive taxation, and pro-public education and anti-privatization. To follow their activities, go here. The Public Core program, Between Two Teachers, is informative. To view all their archived programs, go here. The Association of RAZA Educators was established to uphold the rights and liberties of the Raza community. Education is essential to the preservation of civil and human rights. It provides the foundation for all political and economic progress and it must be a basic right of all people. Making this right a reality is the fundamental objective of A.R.E. Please visit their website to keep up with their activities. Bay Area Collective Keeping Privatizers Away from Community Schools (BACKPACS) is an organization dedicated to strengthening and protecting public education in the Bay Area. Go here to follow what they are working on. Educators for Democratic Schools-Oakland open Facebook page reports all that is happening in the Oakland Unified School District. With over 27,000 supporters, Parents Supporting Teachers is the largest Parent-Led Education Advocacy Group in Los Angeles. Their mission is to hold LAUSD accountable through direct action, amplifying the voices of public school families, and advocate for the future of public schools in the LAUSD. Visit their website to learn more about this amazing group. The San Francisco Berniecrats Education Justice Committee hosted a progressive future of education this summer.  San Francisco Education Alliance looked into the governance consultant hired by SFUSD and other districts including Seattle, Houston, Dallas, and Kansas City. What we found is that where AJ Crabill advises school boards, the “outcomes” are less likely to be student success and more likely to be less democracy and school closures. Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco continues to support their community by encouraging families to download the California Department of Education digital app so they can  find summer meals for children. 


Pueblo Education Coalition aims to represent educators, parents, community members, students, and all stakeholders to achieve positive change for Pueblo’s public education. To keep up with their movements, go here. Our Denver, Our Schools shared a powerful Op-Ed by Bernard Douthit in which he exposes how a charter school principal violated FERPA. 


Connecticut Public Schools Advocates Children are Connecticut families and educators advocating for safe, equitable, fully funded public schools. To keep up with their posts, actions, and activities go here. Children Are More Than Test Scores is a group that believes No Child Left Behind, Race To The Top, ESSA, and the Common Core are misguided educational reform policies that relies too heavily on standardized test scores and is too focused on punitive measures against children, teachers, and local schools. New London Parent Advocates updates their open Facebook page with all that is happening in the New London Public Schools.


Friends of Christina School District  are advocating for excellent district schools by ensuring that every child receives needed resources. To keep up with their events go here


Fund education NOW’s Facebook page is full of information and resources for Florida residents who want to keep up with educational news. Florida BATs and Broward BATs post the latest updates on what is happening in education. Go here and here for updates. Pastors for Florida Children is a non-partisan statewide group of clergy and laity advocating for fully funded public schools. As people of faith, we have come together in recognition of the God-given potential of each child and the promise of the Florida Constitution for high-quality public schools. Be sure to check out their website for more information. The Florida Council of Churches shared a preacher’s toolkit for confronting Christian nationalism.  Opt-Out Florida Network represents a community of opt out groups and administrators from across the state of Florida. To keep up with all of their work and actions please visit their open Facebook page. Pinellas Parents Advocating for Public Schools are working hard to educate the public on the FL book bans. If you live in the area join their closed  Facebook page to join the discussion. Protect Our Public Schools, Manasota believes that free, quality public education is a right for all children and is necessary for the optimal functioning of a democratic society. To keep up with their movements, go here. Miami-Dade County Public School District Parents is a grassroots group giving a voice to parents of students in any Miami-Dade County Public School. Go here to keep up with any events they hold in the Miami-Dade area. UnitED for Florida Children has a website full of resources and information. Go here to check it out.  Hillsborough Public School Advocates has been meeting regularly in the summer with the local union, HCTA, to continue to build the coalition, Hillsborough Education Justice Alliance. They had a community meeting before the summer and are planning future community meetings. They also added a substantial group to the coalition- Community Tampa Bay, a revered organization for several decades that presses for diversity, equity, and inclusion. They are busy planning and prepping for our September 27th fundraiser aboard the Starship Yacht. They are in the midst of finalizing all the auction items. Proceeds from the gala and auction benefit the official community schools in Hillsborough County. HPSA was invited by the district to a community school planning meeting in September. This means a great deal to them as they have really tried to develop a professional relationship with the district. Two community school events from their Grants for Schools program: They are sponsoring and attending 2 upcoming community school events in August before the start of school. They will be speaking at both events to educate parents and teachers on our financial crisis and how best to assist public schools. They will also ask that HCTA represent the coalition, HEJA, at these events. Finally HPSA will begin preparing for the NPE conference presentation with HCTA. They are excited for this conference! Democratic Public Education Caucus of Florida advocates for better public education policies by educating voters through data driven messaging, challenging false narratives, and helping elect pro public education candidates to local, state, and federal offices. Help Out Public Education (HOPE) vision is that public schools should be pillars in our communities that help families thrive and where children learn the knowledge and skills necessary to become engaged members of our society and economy. Families for Safe Schools’ unfortunately disbanded in April as members of their leadership will be exiting the state. Go here for an article on that. Americans United for the Separation of Church and State Atlantic Coast Chapter (AUACC) is a chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. AU was founded in 1947 by a broad coalition of religious, educational and civic leaders, Americans United maintains vigorous programs in litigation, public education, grassroots activism and legislative advocacy. Since its founding, Americans United’s guiding principle has been that all Americans have the Constitutional right to practice the religion of their choice (or refrain from taking part in religion) as individual conscience dictates. Americans United works with Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Humanists and those who profess other religious beliefs or hold no religious beliefs at all. To learn more about the Atlantic Coast Chapter go here. Support our Schools strongly believes in the power of true public education. They believe that all children, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or religion are entitled to a modern education in a safe and inclusive environment. They support teachers, administrators, and school boards as they work together to provide the highest quality education to all children. The National Organization for Women Jacksonville is an intersectional grassroots activist organization–working to promote feminist ideals, lead societal change, eliminate discrimination and achieve equal rights for all women and girls. To keep up with all of their activities go here. The Florida Freedom to Read Project had a great event this month and important conversations with Representative LaVon Bracy Davis, Regina from 904WARD and librarian Alison Norton. They wanted to thank all who came out, to Barrel of Books and Games for hosting them and All About The Ballots for the support! Families for Strong Public Schools believes that children’s educational success requires listening, collaboration, and understanding at all levels. By working together as parents, teachers, families, and within government, we can create educational spaces that truly serve their primary goal: supporting and educating our children. To learn more about their work visit their website


Public Education Matters Georgia is a statewide organization committed to fostering community support for quality public education in GA through outreach, information, and advocacy. To keep up with their events and activities, go here. Moms and Dads Now Enduring Surrealistic Stupidity (MADNESS) wants to build awareness and support for actual school improvement strategies like community schools and more broadly for the very real and meaningful benefits of an equitable and viable public education system that strives for good schools for all children. Visit their open Facebook page for updates. Opt-Out Georgia organized the opt-out movement in Georgia via a closed Facebook group of over 8,000 members. If you live in Georgia or know someone who does, encourage them to connect with this group. The Georgia Chapter of the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) is an organization of Georgia educators, scholars, and community activists committed to social justice through education. To keep up with their events, or to connect, visit their open Facebook page. Be sure to check out the The Georgia Youth Justice Coalition for Action link tree for all their social media platforms. 


Want to learn about all the amazing things public schools do for children in Hawaii? Visit Parents for Public Schools Hawaii Facebook page. 


Illinois Raise Your Hand  engages, informs, and empowers parents to protect and strengthen public education for all children in Chicago and Illinois, eliminate inequities in public schools, and work at the grassroots for the public good that is public education. Visit their website to learn more. Illinois Families for Public Schools are a grassroots advocacy group that represents the interests of Illinois public school families. They are the voice in Springfield for systemic policy change to defend and improve Illinois public schools. Their efforts are key to giving public ed families a real, regular presence and influence in Springfield.


The Indiana Coalition for Public Education (ICPE) is to advocate for high quality, equitable, well-funded public schools for all children that are subject to democratic oversight by their communities. Indiana Coalition for Public Schools – Monroe County advocates for all children to have high quality, equitable, well-funded schools that are subject to democratic oversight by their communities. Visit their website for more information. The Northeast Indiana Friends of Public Education shared their most popular posts of the week on their open Facebook page. Go here to view a sample from June.  Northwest Indiana Coalition for Public Education advocates for Indiana’s children and their right to a high-quality public education. To keep up with their actions, events, and news go here.  Washington Township Parent Council Network is an independent nonpartisan group of parent and caregiver advocates of MSDWT students who represent a diverse community in Indianapolis and believe that high quality public education (under local democratic control) is an investment in the future. Be sure to visit their website for more information. Jefferson County Public Schools Advocacy Group organizes in a private group on Facebook. If you know anyone in Jefferson County concerned about the anti-education movement, go here to join. 


Iowans for Public Education is a grassroots movement to defend and support Iowa’s tradition of high-quality public schools.  If you live in Iowa be sure to check out their open Facebook page for events, action, and news. 


Game on for Kansas Schools is a nonpartisan grassroots effort by a group of parents, teachers, and concerned community members. They  believe high-quality public education is a right for all Kansas students. They  advocate for Kansas schools to ensure they have the resources necessary to deliver that education to all Kansas students. They inform the community about issues and legislation affecting students in Kansas. Please visit their website for more information. The Personnel Association of Lawrence- Communication Workers of America is a union of public and private sector workers fighting to transform our world for the working class.  They are a union made up of custodians, food service workers, paraeducators, school secretaries. For more information please visit their website


Be sure to visit Dear JCPS’ website for updates on what is happening in Jefferson County.  Schools Our Schools Kentucky is Kentucky’s longest-running statewide advocacy group stopping well-funded privatizers and outside special interests from destroying our public schools. To keep up with their events and actions go here. Sharing from last year, the Pastors for Kentucky Children had their name on an amicus brief supporting public schools in a lawsuit. This is a great example for other groups to follow in defending their public schools, communities, and families. 


Step Up Louisiana is a multiracial and multigenerational membership that engages in campaigns that directly affect the lives of Louisiana citizens. Organizing for economic and education justice in the South is fundamentally a fight against structural racism. This power analysis is essential to their work. To learn more about this amazing organizations visit their website


The Baltimore Algebra Project is a youth organization that works to end the school-to-prison pipeline. To learn more about them, go here


Citizens for Public Schools mission is to promote, preserve and protect public schools and public education. All children regardless of race, color, creed, nationality, gender, disability, class or economic status should have equal educational opportunity so they can participate successfully in the civic and economic life of the Commonwealth. CPS opposes any political or social initiative that seeks to infringe on or endanger such a vital resource as our public schools. The New Bedford Coalition to Save our Schools is a grassroots organization primarily made up of New Bedford families, students, and educators in New Bedford and the Greater New Bedford area. Be sure to visit their website to keep up with monthly meetings and activities. 


The Michigan Network for Equity in Education advocates for equitable, democratic public education in Michigan by building coalitions and sharing information and research. To learn more about their work, go here. Save Michigan’s Public School’s goal is to connect parents, students, educators, and communities across Michigan and raise awareness of threats to public education. To communicate with their organization, check out their Facebook page. Be sure to check out Michigan Parents for Schools website for resources on how to fight for public education in Michigan.  MI Ed Justice is on Instagram. Check out their Instagram page here. Trusted Voices ED is a non-partisan advocacy group of educators focused on building collaborative partnerships among teachers, administrators, and policy-makers to ensure every Michigan learner receives the highest quality of education. To learn more about them and to connect with their organization, visit their website. Support FHPS (Forest Hills Public Schools) is a 100% FHPS parent volunteer group that supports Forest Hills Public Schools and ALL public education, advancing Public Schools through elections and policy. Their mission is to support and protect public schools from partisan and manufactured attacks, so that educators and elected school board members can focus on their vital roles of providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for students. They  believe all kids deserve access to safe, quality, and well-funded public schools.


Parents for St. Paul Schools is a grassroots organization started by parents of public school students. They favor an immediate moratorium on expanding existing charter schools in St. Paul and creating any new charter schools in St. Paul. To learn more about their organization, go here. Minnesota Collective for Educational Equity is a grassroots group of passionate educators and researchers who have organized to promote educational policy and practice that will address the alarming opportunity gaps in Minnesota.


Parents for Public Schools – Moss Point promotes and strengthens public schools by engaging, educating and mobilizing parents to build strong schools and healthier, vital communities to educate their children. Be sure to visit their website for more information.  Parents For Public Schools of Greenwood and Leflore County strengthen public schools by engaging, educating, and mobilizing parents in their community. To keep up with their events, go here. Give Parents For Public Schools of Philadelphia a follow on Twitter if you live in their area. They post updates for education and community events. 


Keep up with the Missouri BATs by giving them a follow on Twitter. 


Ann Hunter-Pirtle founded Stand For Schools in 2016 to support Nebraska public schools’ history of success and to find innovative ways to make them even stronger — through opportunities like early childhood education, school to career pathways, and before- and after-school and summer programming. Stand for Schools believes Nebraska does best when we come up with Nebraska solutions to Nebraska challenges. Education is no exception. Nebraska Loves Public Schools is known for its influential short films that are focused on the power of public education. You can access all of their films at this link


Educate Nevada NOW is a multi-year campaign to secure school finance reform and improve education outcomes in Nevada. To learn more about their organization go here

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Leaders for Just Schools are NH public school educators dedicated to creating more equitable and just learning environments. Please give them a follow on Twitter to keep up with what they are doing. Barrington Educators Association is the local chapter of the New Hampshire-NEA. You can view the updated work here. To contact them about issues happening in NH, go here

New Jersey

Save our Schools New Jersey is a grassroots, all-volunteer organization of parents and other public education supporters who believe that every child in New Jersey should have access to a high-quality public education. Be sure to visit The Newark Students Union events tab on their Facebook page. The posted events provide an excellent template for student organizing. Delran Education Association is a local organization committed to ensuring excellence in public. To keep up with their actions and events, go here. If you are a resident of Elizabeth, ask to join the Elizabeth Parents and Students Care closed Facebook group to connect. Give Montclair Cares About Schools a follow on Facebook to find out what is happening in Montclair education. Give Our Children Our Schools a follow on Twitter to keep up with any future events. South Orange-Maplewood Cares About Schools organize in its closed Facebook group. If you live in this area or know anyone who does, please join the group here. Paterson Education Fund is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to stimulate community action for change so that the Paterson Public Schools ensure that all Paterson children achieve high standards. To learn more about PEF visit their website. Parents Educating Parents is a nonprofit grassroots parent organization working out of Newark, New Jersey.  Go here to check in on their events and activities. The New Jersey Community Schools Coalition celebrates the work of their community partners who also work hard to forward the power of community schools. 

New York

Class Size Matters is a non-profit organization that advocates for smaller classes in NYC’s public schools and the nation as a whole.  They also advocate for greater parent involvement in decision-making and for strengthening student privacy protections. New York Allies for Public Education are a network of organizations who support public education and oppose the current excessive test. To keep up with their events visit their website.  LI Opt-Out led the largest testing opt out movement in the country in 2015. To learn about their strategies and activities go to their websiteNYC Opt Out is a grassroots coalition of parents and educators concerned about the impact of high-stakes testing on New York City’s schools, children, and teachers. Their primary tactic is to organize a boycott of the annual state tests in order to pressure state officials to respond to their concerns and replace high-stakes standardized tests with authentic assessments. For more information please visit their website. The Alliance for Quality Education is a coalition mobilizing communities across the state to keep New York true to its promise of ensuring a high quality public education to all students regardless of zip code. AQE is working to end the systemic racism and economic oppression in New York’s public schools that continues to shortchange generations of Black, Brown, low-income and immigrant students. To learn more about their work go here. Change the Stakes has resources on their open Facebook page about testing and opting out for NYC and NY parents. NY BATs is the public-facing page for the NY BATs, the largest state chapter of the Badass Teachers Association. Check out their public Facebook page to keep up with their events and activities. To find out what FUSE (New Rochelle Federation of United School Employees) is working on, visit their website here. MORE-UFT is a caucus of the UFT that defends members rights, fights for social justice, and empowers workers in schools. Jackson Heights People for Public Schools has so much information on their discussion Facebook page that you need to head over to see what the community of Jackson Heights is up to. Check it out here. The Port Washington Advocates for Public Education closed Facebook group is a place to connect and organize if you live in Port Washington, NY. North Country Alliance For Public Education works to end the reliance on high-stakes testing and stop the privatization taking over their schools. If you live in the North Country of New York, consider joining their closed Facebook group to connect. To learn more about the Rochester Coalition for Public Education be sure to visit their website

North Carolina

Public Schools First NC School is a statewide organization focused solely on pre-K–12 public education issues. They collaborate with parents, educators, business and civic leaders, and communities across North Carolina to advocate for one unified system of public education that prepares every child for productive citizenship. North Carolina Families for School Testing Reform are working to bring legislative change to the NC Public School Testing program. To keep up with their activities, go here. Neighbors for Better Neighborhoods is a non-profit organization founded in 1990 by the Winston-Salem Foundation and neighborhood residents as a program to support the local community. Their fundamental focus is on human resources and the importance of it being reclaimed. They also focus on the development of healthy neighborhood leadership while acknowledging that both physical and human assets contribute to the vitality of the entire community. To keep up with the  Pastors for North Carolina Children be sure to check out their Linktree platform.  Parents for Public Schools of Pitt County shared that on Saturday August 12th during Stuff the Bus over 9,100 school supply items were donated in support of Pitt County Schools students and teachers! PPS-PC thanked the community, volunteers, and the ECU student athletes. PPS-PC also thanked Optimum for their partnership.   


Keep up with the Ohio BATs on their open Facebook page. It Takes A Village To Tackle The Attack on Public Education are parents, educators, community members and leaders who originally united to tackle HB 70 and the attack on public education. To keep up with their events go here. Northwest Ohio Friends of Public Education is a citizen-driven, non-partisan movement to inform and engage Northwest Ohioans at the community level to support and strengthen public schools. To keep up with the issues they are working on, go here. To keep up with the Parents For Public Schools of Greater Cincinnati be sure to visit their website.  Northeast Ohio Friends of Public Education has an amazing website that will keep any northeast Ohio citizen up-to-date on what is happening in education.  You can visit their website here. Public Education Partners (PEP) is the leading volunteer advocacy group for public education in Ohio. PEP is a statewide coalition of parents, grassroots citizen groups, school board members, educators, and school administrators that advocate for high quality public education.  For more information on this organization visit their website


The Oklahoma Parent Legislative Action Committee believes Oklahoma students deserve a public education system that is competitive regionally in teacher pay, teacher quality, per-pupil expenditures and class sizes in accordance with the Oklahoma Constitution’s mandate of a state-funded system of public schools which are free and open to all students. They believe all schools receiving taxpayer funds should have the same levels of accountability and transparency. Pastors for Oklahoma Children are a broad coalition of clergy from across Oklahoma that advocate for local public schools. To follow their work and events go to their website. Oklahoma Parents and Educators for Public Education/Oklahomans for Public Education have a private Facebook group of over 31,000 people. If you live in Oklahoma or know someone who does, share this link to connect. Oklahoma Teachers – The Time Is Now organizes in a private Facebook group of over 64,000 members. The purpose of the group is to unite all educators in Oklahoma to come together and educate, collaborate, and discuss what options they have moving forward to improve Public Education. If you know any Oklahoma educators, send them to this group to connect. 


Community Alliance for Public Education (CAPE) has a goal to raise awareness and build a community around public education issues and support an informed citizenry in having input into public education policies and practices. Oregon Save Our Schools is a group of parents, grandparents, teachers, students, support staff, and community members joining together to defend public education in Oregon. Go to their open Facebook page to get involved with their actions. Oregon BATs organizes in a closed Facebook group. If you are an Oregon teacher or community member, ask to join and connect. Community & Parents for Public Schools of Portland (CPPS) is the Portland chapter of Parents for Public Schools, part of a nationwide network of grassroots organizations focused on increasing parent, family and community involvement in public education. Launched in January of 1999, their chapter is part of the only national organization that actively recruits parents to public schools and advocates for parents taking a role in decision-making, school improvement, and accountability. To learn more about their work visit their website


The Keystone State Education Coalition publishes a daily PA education policy roundup. Pennsylvania School Board Association is a statewide association of public school boards, pledged to the highest ideals of local lay leadership for the public schools of the commonwealth. The Pennsylvania School Boards Association, founded in 1895, has a rich history as the first school boards association established in the United States. Pennsylvania’s 4,500 school directors become members by virtue of election to their local board — the board joins as a whole. Membership in PSBA is by school district or other eligible local education agency such as intermediate unit, vocational school or community college. The Pittsburgh Task Force on the Right to Education continues to hold monthly meetings.  If you live in Pittsburgh be sure to connect and join them in their advocacy for public education.  Education Voters PA has a fantastic website full of education-related resources for PA citizens. Lisa Haver and Lynda Rubin from The Alliance for Philadelphia Public Schools Philadelphia is a grassroots organization of parents, community members, and school staff, fighting to defend public education. They work together to provide analysis and demand accountability from the School District of Philadelphia to provide students with a high-quality education. The mission of BASD (Bethlehem Area School District) is to educate parents and their community about issues that impact their public schools and to empower parents, students and neighbors to make their voices heard. DASD Parent Partners (Downington, PA) are committed to meeting the needs of all Downingtown students and developing working groups to take action around their set priorities. To learn more about their work and priorities, go here

Rhode Island

The Providence Student Union held another successful Youth Leadership Institute this month. Go here to see pictures from that event. Please visit the Parents Across Rhode Island website to keep up with what is happening in Rhode Island.  

South Carolina

The Quality Education Project seeks to empower communities to advocate for change that improves the quality of education for all students. QEP also provides academic and community-engaged research to support and initiate educational policy reform committed to equity, access and excellence. To learn more about their work go here


Give Tennesseans Reclaiming Educational Excellence (TREE) a follow on Facebook to keep up with all that is happening in Tennessee education. Be sure to visit the Pastors for Tennessee Children website. It is full of valuable information and resources. Tennessee Strong is an action organization that organized after years of #TNReady failures and the over-testing of TN children. They also organize against voucher legislation that takes millions of dollars from TN public schools. To learn more and connect, go here. Tennessee BATs organizes out of a closed group on Facebook with over one thousand members. If you are a Tennessee teacher or a supporter of public education in Tennessee, go here and ask to join their Facebook group to connect. 


Pastors for Texas Children is a ministry that serves Texas’ neighborhood public schools through prayer, service, and advocacy. They support Texas schools by initiating school assistance programs with local congregations, promoting social justice for children, and advancing legislation that puts the needs of Texas children, families, and communities first. CFISD Community Leadership Committee is a volunteer group of parents, business people, and retirees who believe that having a strong independent school district is important to the economic well-being of the Cypress-Fairbanks community. Members of Texas Kids Can’t Wait advocate for equitable and adequate funding for Texas public schools and a sane assessment system. They strongly oppose the corporate takeover of public schools. To follow their advocacy go to their open Facebook page. RootEd is a parent-led, grassroots organization that promotes neighborhood public schools through storytelling, advocacy, and education. They believe a strong public school system for all children creates a robust economy and well-connected community. Community Voices For Public shared that Superintendent Miles wants to use test scores to rate teachers by 2025. Read more here.  Our Schools San Antonio is a community-led movement for educational justice in San Antonio. To keep up with their actions and events head to their open Facebook page. The Coalition for Equity in Public Education has a fantastic website with resources for Texas parents and advocates. Texas AFT was joined by Texas Rep. Gina Hinojosa to talk about vouchers, funding, and a special session. To listen to that conversation go hereEl Paso Alliance for Just Schools is a coalition of local community members, grassroots and labor. Head over to their open Facebook page to keep up with all their events. Public Schools First McKinney is dedicated to the advancement and support of public education in McKinney. The mission is to champion public education through advocacy, education, and building community. Please visit their website for more information on this very active group. The Coalition for Public Schools has a great website full of resources for Texas public education advocates. Go here to access their website. Access Education RRISD (Round Rock Independent School District) believes that every child has the right to a safe, high-quality, educational experience in Round Rock ISD, and are working to remove barriers that interfere with this opportunity. They believe in the power of a strong community voice, and in centering the experience of students and families in their priorities. They believe in advocating for solutions, working in collaboration with District administration, and in keeping a constructive outlook as we call for change.


Virginia Educators United is a grassroots collection of pro-public school people who act to support Virginia Public Schools. They organize in a closed Facebook group. If you are a Virginia educator, please ask to join and connect. Virginia BATs also organizes in a closed Facebook group. If you are a Virginia educator, parent, or community member, please ask to join and connect. Support Our Schools-Shenandoah County organizes to fight for public education in that region. You can click here. Virginia Public Education Partners is dedicated to supporting and protecting public education. They work to end school privatization maneuvers that undermine democracy and diminish available resources for public schools. Richmond For All members are an inspiring body of over 500 organizers, families, workers, advocates, students, and residents fighting to ensure grassroots power citywide. Collectively they organize in defense of public resources, in support of a transformed democratic process, and for people-first representation in municipal elections. 

Washington State

WA BATs organizes in a closed Facebook group. Go here to join and connect. Washington’s Paramount Duty has a website full of information and resources on education in Washington state. 

West Virginia

West Virginia United Caucus is a caucus of rank-and-file members in AFT-WV and WVEA. They are proud union members committed to quality public education, strong wages and benefits for all of our state’s education personnel, and a sustainable funding source to fund public education that does not come on the backs of the working class of this state. To learn about their five core principles go here


The Wisconsin Public Education Network had a very successful summer institute.  Check out the pictures here and listen to The Todd Allbaugh Show which broadcasted live at the Summer Summit. To learn about the values of Schools and Communities United be sure to visit their website.  Be sure to visit the Parents for Public Schools Milwaukee open Facebook page.  They have tons of information for the start of school, events, and activities. 

NPE Grassroots Education Network – Resources and Graphics

Here is a link to our resources page. It will help you navigate resources covering a variety of topics. This is a live document and will be updated, so check back for new resources. 

Here is a link to our graphics page. It will provide powerful visuals for you to share on social media. This is a live document and will be updated, so check back for new graphics.