Our mission: To preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.


Our Voucher School Scam$ page, which we began in September of 2023 in response to the recent flood of irresponsible universal voucher programs includes a sorting feature that allows you to search voucher scams by state and by 12 categories. 


Report: PA track record on private-school vouchers finds still no accountability

Polson said Pennsylvania’s voucher programs have no “meaningful educational or financial accountability,” so they really have no way of knowing if these programs operate as intended or are beneficial to low-income or moderate-income students.


Opinion: MPS suffers death by a thousand cuts while private, choice schools get millions

In 2023-24, Wisconsin taxpayers spent about $700 million on a second, separate, unaccountable system of education that we now know conclusively has not improved outcomes for children


Wake school district leaders slam vouchers: ‘Understand what they do to public schools’

“The choice to attend a private school shouldn’t come at the expense of weakening our public schools, which serve as a backbone for our community,” he said. “If public schools were adequately funded, maybe there wouldn’t be the same interest that we’ve seen in some private schools.”


Our two states adopted school choice. KY should listen to our warnings | Opinion

As parents from Florida and Arizona, we have seen firsthand the devastating impact of publicly funded school vouchers. We offer a gloomy cautionary tale to Kentuckians so that you can understand why passing Amendment 2 and allowing similar programs in Kentucky would be a terrible idea.


Josh Cowen on “How Billionaires Created a Culture War and Sold School Vouchers”

Indeed, Cowen’s research reveals that what’s really driving the expansion of vouchers isn’t a commitment to learning, but rather a Christian nationalist political movement that wants to fundamentally alter American society.


Public school dollars do not belong in private schools

But restructuring North Dakota’s K-12 public education system to a “school choice” model, as the Legislature’s interim Education Committee and a separate school choice task force have been discussing, is a bad idea.


Governor: Voucher program ‘devastating’ to Bertie Co.

“If the General Assembly’s private school voucher plan moves forward, Bertie County could lose more than $272,000 in public education funding in just the first year of the expanded voucher program despite having just two private schools participating in the Opportunity Scholarship Program,” the Governor told the Bertie Ledger-Advance last week.


Florida families say school voucher reimbursements worse than ever

Chat rooms are filled with parents telling stories of how they submit claims based on what they understand from the guides, only to be denied for reasons they don’t understand.


Column: Private school vouchers are a step in the wrong direction for N.C. education

Financing private school education, something that should not be a priority of the state legislature, while neglecting to finance public schools across the state, is an irresponsible use of taxpayer dollars, especially for a program that causes more issues than it solves.


NC Justice Center policy analyst Kris Nordstrom on the expansion of private school vouchers

Recently, NC Newsline posed these questions and others to one of our state’s most knowledgeable public education policy experts, the North Carolina Justice Center’s Kris Nordstrom.


Cooper: School voucher expansion ‘devastating’ for public education in NC

“The Legislature wants to take hundreds of millions of dollars out of the public schools and give it to private school vouchers, even for the wealthiest North Carolinians,” Cooper said Wednesday during a phone interview with The Daily Advance. “That’s going to be devastating for education across the board.”


Voucher Boondoggle: House Advances Plan to Give the Wealthy $1.20 for Every $1 They Steer to Private K-12 Schools

Our analysis indicates the shelter would overwhelmingly benefit high-income people, with almost two-thirds of the likely beneficiaries having annual incomes over $200,000.


Court Strikes Down South Carolina School Voucher Program

No money shall be paid from public funds nor shall the credit of the State or any of its political subdivisions be used for the direct benefit of any religious or other private educational institution.


Indiana Voucher Madness

The latest bad news about vouchers comes from Indiana, where the costs of that state’s program have ballooned by 263% over a period of five years.


Gov. Cooper blasts GOP voucher plan that could get a vote next week

“Unfortunately Republicans in this legislature are trying to choke the life out of our public schools,” Cooper said. “And their constituents — we’re going to be depending on you this week — their constituents need to tell them to stop it.”