Our Voucher School Scam$ page, which we began in September of 2023 in response to the recent flood of irresponsible universal voucher programs includes a sorting feature that allows you to search voucher scams by state and by 12 categories.
Kentucky kids will lose when recovery funds end. School voucher threat hurts even more.
One way Kentuckians can ensure that the post-ESSER loss isn’t made worse is to reject Amendment 2 this fall. Not only would that prevent the inevitable loss of public funding that would come with a private school voucher program, but it would send a message that lawmakers should put the focus back on Kentucky’s public schools, where the vast majority of students will always attend and where the needs are pressing and clear.
Opinion – PJ Lonneman: School vouchers are bad choice for KY students, communities, budgets
Taxpayers do not have a say in how private schools use voucher funds, unlike with public schools where they can address their concerns to the elected members of the board of education.
UEA wants judge to declare school choice program unconstitutional
Lawyers for the state’s largest teachers union have asked a judge to strike down Utah’s school choice program, arguing that it is unconstitutional.
Universal school vouchers rarely benefit school-aged children, yet conservatives widely support them
However, a growing body of evidence shows school vouchers have the potential to wreak deep monetary and academic havoc on the children those programs claim to serve.
Project 2025’s education plans: A threat to our future
The Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025” report, touted as the blueprint for a future Trump presidency, proposes a radical overhaul of American education that threatens our national security, economic stability and the very foundations of our democracy.
New Hampshire: Voucher Program Aims to Destroy Public Schools
Veteran journalist Garry Rayno wrote a passionate editorial about the destructive voucher program in New Hampshire, promoted by out-of-state billionaires. Ninety percent of the students in the state attend public schools, but Republicans have diverted taxpayer dollars to private and religious schools.
Commentary: School vouchers are toxic. Texas voters should reject them.
Texas billionaires have pushed school vouchers as educational choice, but it’s really a well-funded attack on public schools.
Private Fortunes vs. Public Education
“Across the nation,” the report reads, “conservative billionaires are funding a coordinated effort to dismantle public education to pay for private school vouchers that largely benefit wealthy families and enable corporations to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.”
Report: Despite options, Milwaukee children struggle in both public and private schools
Nicole Armendariz, spokesperson for MPS, said the voucher school system was created with the promise that it would lift all students, but the report makes it clear it hasn’t.
The lie of school choice
Voucher pushers want you to believe that diverting state funds to private schools will create choices for children who don’t currently have them. The data tell us otherwise.
The new and radical school voucher push is quietly unwinding two centuries of U.S. education tradition
It represents not just a change in policy or strategy but a rejection of three foundational traditions: separation of church and state, anti-discrimination, and public accountability for educational processes and outcomes funded by taxes.
Why Trump Can’t Disavow His Support for Project 2025
In fact, many of the policy ideas from Project 2025 are already in place or are rolling out in red states such as Iowa, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Florida. One policy area from Project 2025 that is particularly pernicious is its plan for schools, which includes criminally prosecuting teachers and librarians and replacing public education with for-profit schools, homeschooling, and Christian nationalist indoctrination.
Rural Texans Speak Out Against Vouchers
“I grew up in a rural farming community,” said stay-at-home mom Afton Chrissey. “I’m a product of public schools because, in our community, there were no private school options. Your constituents in rural areas do not benefit from vouchers.”
Ohio State Fair was a vehicle to inform the public about divisive private school voucher issues
This year, a colleague and I greeted nearly two hundred Ohioans who stopped by our booth one day to learn more about the EdChoice Voucher Expansion scheme sneaked through the legislature at the end of a session, hidden in the budget details like a Russian nesting doll.
Houston-area school districts warn of continued severe cuts if voucher fight keeps funds tied up in state legislature
“The governor and the Senate insisted that schools would get no new dollars, teachers wouldn’t get raises, and students wouldn’t get new funding unless they got their way on vouchers. That’s why we’re in this mess,” Capo added.