Our Voucher School Scam$ page, which we began in September of 2023 in response to the recent flood of irresponsible universal voucher programs includes a sorting feature that allows you to search voucher scams by state and by 12 categories.
Funding school vouchers a slippery slope
Idaho taxpayers already fund one education system; why should we now have to fund yet another education system?
How vouchers harm public schools
These programs’ growing popularity raises the question of whether letting public money leave the public school system and subsidize private forms of schooling is a way to improve children’s access to an excellent education. EPI’s analysis shows that vouchers harm public schools.
Idaho doesn’t have to accept that some form of school vouchers is inevitable | Opinion
But Idaho legislators — and Idaho taxpayers — shouldn’t take the bait. Any proposal that diverts any amount of money under any circumstances to help fund private education is the camel’s nose under the tent.
Opinion: School voucher laws don’t help students, only politicians
Maybe, voters in Kentucky, Nebraska and Colorado blocked public tax dollars flowing into private hands not because they were bamboozled, but because they saw the problems in existing vouchers programs and recognized the ultimate goal was the decimation of public education.
Is Ohio’s school voucher experiment panning out?
This means the policy change in Ohio to expand eligibility was largely a windfall to families that were already planning on sending children to private schools. And because of the policy change that was made, it was likely a regressive windfall that accrued mainly to well-off households.
Christian Nationalists Are Reshaping Texas’s Public School Curricula
The Texas State Board of Education will pay districts $60 a student to use a curriculum infused with Christian content.
Tom Horne just made it easier to cheat Arizona’s ESA voucher system
Purchases under $2,000 will be auto-approved, a week after a couple was indicted for defrauding the ESA program of $110,000.
Knoxville NAACP urges local lawmakers to reject school voucher bill
“We see this house bill one senate Bill one as a threat to the resilience to the strength and to the just overall resourcing of our public schools,” said NAACP President Reverend Sam Brown.
School choice backers keep changing their story
The “school choice” crowd can’t seem to get their story straight. The first iteration of their campaign to use state tax dollars to subsidize private schools came in 1954 in response to Brown vs. the Board of Education.
Another ESA scam in Arizona? I am so (not) shocked | Opinion
A Colorado couple is accused of creating dozens of fake kids to scam us out of more than $110,000 in ESA funds. What’s it going to take to get the GOP-run Legislature to lasso its sacred cow?
Editorial: As Abbott pushes private school vouchers, Texas public education suffers
Those tough financial situations and others experienced by school districts across the state should draw closer scrutiny to Abbott’s desire for a voucher program, which would funnel taxpayer money to pay for private education.
How Vouchers & Charter Schools Hurt Public School Funding: A Q&A with Dr. David Knight & Dr. David DeMatthews
A Q&A with the pair of professors that hits some of the key points of their research on the topics of public school finance and school privatization efforts, via vouchers and privately run charter schools.
Voucher Supporters are Like Toddlers
Vouchers lost big on Election Day, but voucher supporters keep insisting they should get their way
Understanding the reality of school vouchers
Instead of everyone in a community relying on the same police and fire departments, people would instead choose private vendors and receive a check from the government to partially underwrite the cost.
NC GOP lawmakers let down disabled students by funding private school vouchers | Opinion
The money allocated to private-school vouchers should have gone to filling positions needed to take care of disabled students where the vast majority get their education — North Carolina public schools.