Our Voucher School Scam$ page, which we began in September of 2023 in response to the recent flood of irresponsible universal voucher programs includes a sorting feature that allows you to search voucher scams by state and by 12 categories.
In Multiple States, Voters Firmly Rejected School Voucher Programs
But despite Trump’s big win in the presidential race, vouchers were again soundly rejected by significant majorities of Americans.
Are Vouchers Racially Exclusive?
Voucher advocates and opponents alike will need to keep this issue, as well as the racially exclusive history of some schools using state funding in mind when any such bill is proposed. Whether or not vouchers or voucher-like programs such as Education Savings Accounts are racially exclusive depends on who you ask and seems to depend on their design. There is certainly a history of many such programs in the South being racially exclusive.
Ohio spent nearly $970 million on private school vouchers last year
Among its five private school scholarships, the state spent $962,022,783.24 sending more than 150,000 students to private schools. More than 88,000 of them were under the EdChoice-Expansion scholarship program, which has no income requirements for Ohioans to qualify.
How privatization efforts are resurrecting school segregation
Under former President Donald Trump’s administration, an endgame for conservative education policy became clear: the full privatization of public education.
Ten years of NC’s private school vouchers, and they’re only becoming less accountable
The report provides less information on the program than in the past, at a time when state funding for vouchers is poised to quadruple over the next decade. Meanwhile, other sources of data on how the money is spent have disappeared.
New data on Ark. vouchers: More than 80% of new enrollees did not attend public school last year
Nearly 5,000 students who received vouchers in Year One continued into Year Two of the program. They were joined by more than 9,000 new enrollees who joined the program this year, for a total enrollment of 14,297. As with Year One, the overwhelming majority of the new enrollees — 83% — did not attend public school in the prior year.
Opinion: Trinity won’t let me write about Amendment 2. Here’s why I’m against it.
One of the scariest things about Amendment 2 is that it basically serves as a blank check for vouchers to non-public schools with no clear place for the funding to come from other than public schools.
Opinion: NC taxpayer money should support public schools, not private and charter schools
Common sense tells us that public schools are instrumental to a strong society because they educate everyone in it, which makes us all better off.
School vouchers have a racist history, as well as troubling impacts on public schools
The voucher system came out of racist parents’ rejection of integrated schools in the ‘50s. It’s still hurting students.
School vouchers, proposed in Texas, are mostly used by the wealthy in Arizona
For example, in the Phoenix area where I live, there are zip codes that are lower income where just 1% of families are using the voucher program, whereas in wealthier zip codes, 25% to 30% of families are using the voucher program. And so there’s a great disparity by income and who is benefiting from this.
School Vouchers Have a Racist History and Troubling Impacts on Public Schools
The voucher system came out of racist parents’ rejection of integrated schools in the ‘50s. It’s still hurting students.
‘When Voters Get to Decide, Vouchers Lose’
Voters in three states are being asked to decide whether public money should go to support private education. Educators are mobilizing to warn the public about the dangers of school vouchers.
Reader Opinion: The great lie of NH school choice, by Edward Murdough
One article addresses how school vouchers were originally sold to the public as opportunities for children from low-income families to attend private schools that might be better suited for them. The majority of vouchers are given to children who are not from low-income families and who had been attending private schools prior to receiving vouchers.
Opinion: MPS suffers death by a thousand cuts while private, choice schools get millions
In 2023-24, Wisconsin taxpayers spent about $700 million on a second, separate, unaccountable system of education that we now know conclusively has not improved outcomes for children
Reminder: Taxpayer-funded school voucher money goes into already deep pockets
“That means that your tax dollars are going to subsidize private school tuition for relatively affluent families that can afford to pay an average of $8,060 per child in private school tuition above and beyond the voucher amount,” Noland wrote.