Our mission: To preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.


Our Voucher School Scam$ page, which we began in September of 2023 in response to the recent flood of irresponsible universal voucher programs includes a sorting feature that allows you to search voucher scams by state and by 12 categories. 


7 reasons why vouchers are not the answer to a Texas education

As the Texas Legislature considers Senate Bill 2, As the Texas Legislature considers Senate Bill 2, the governor’s “school choice” voucher program, I feel obliged to express my concerns with the concept of funneling tax dollars to parents in an attempt to weaken public schools in Texas:
the governor’s “school choice” voucher program, I feel obliged to express my concerns with the concept of funneling tax dollars to parents in an attempt to weaken public schools in Texas


Who Really Benefits from School Vouchers?

I do not pretend to know the motivation of Jeff Yass. But I do know that Mr. Yass is not a Texan, and I also know that Texas is not for sale.


House Democrats criticize Gov. Greg Abbott’s school voucher plan

“Is it OK to take our hard-earned tax dollars and give it to rich people who didn’t even ask for it?” asked caucus chair Rep. Gene Wu, D-Houston.


Welfare for the wealthy’: House Democrats urge Texans to fight against school vouchers

Democratic House members fired back, accusing the governor of furthering the agendas of billionaire political donors at the expense of the state’s public schoolchildren.


Here’s what tax dollars will fund with the Texas school voucher bill

There are many reasons for Texans to oppose school vouchers, including that they are tools used to enforce racial segregation and to harm students with disabilities whom private schools are not legally obligated to accept.


Even if school vouchers come to Texas, we don’t have to choose to use them

School voucher proponents are having quite a moment, but believers in public education should not give up hope.


Distant Dome: Another Side to Vouchers and Learning

And neither does he mention the fact that New Hampshire is dead last in state support for public education and its education funding system is one of the most regressive in the country meaning it taxes lower income taxpayers a much higher percentage of their income than those on the other end of the economic scale.


Texas senators fast-track school voucher bill for full vote

The Senate could vote on the proposal as soon as next week. Democrats on Tuesday criticized the bill saying it fails to prioritize the state’s neediest children.


Trump’s latest executive order overreaches to steal money from public school students to fund private school vouchers

Trump is using his Project 2025 playbook to privatize education because he knows vouchers have repeatedly been a failure in Congress and rejected by voters at the ballot box


In the Wild West of School Voucher Expansions, States Rely on Untested Companies, With Mixed Results

States are handing multimillion-dollar contracts to a handful of fledgling private companies to manage the rapidly growing, convoluted marketplace of school-choice programs. The process has been bumpy.


Lee’s school voucher plan is not for us

The governor’s proposed $400 million school voucher plan is a “scam,” State Senator Oliver writes


School vouchers fulfill a political agenda, but do not improve public education | Opinion

Tennessee’s public education system is under siege by wealthy conservative oligarchs, including former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who are bankrolling Republican leaders to push school vouchers.


Vouchers researcher casts doubt on Tennessee governor’s plan

Josh Cowen, an author and professor of education policy at Michigan State University, told reporters that 75% of the students who use vouchers in other states are enrolled in private schools already. The other 25% suffer academically, he said, because they attend “subprime” schools that pop up when states offer new subsidies.


Tennessee K-12 and higher education students will suffer due to school vouchers | Opinion

Instead of siphoning funds from higher education and public schools, we should be investing in solutions that strengthen these systems for all Tennesseans.


$861 Million for Vouchers

The group notes that not only will vouchers increase state costs, but local taxpayers will also be on the hook for the voucher scheme.