Our Voucher School Scam$ page, which we began in September of 2023 in response to the recent flood of irresponsible universal voucher programs includes a sorting feature that allows you to search charter scandals by state and by 12 categories. You can also search by keyword. Just use the ‘X’ to clear search terms and return to the full list of scandals.

06/29/2024 - Parents left in lurch as voucher-aided private school closes amid conflict

A Christian school in North Georgia that took taxpayer dollars to educate students with learning disabilities has closed amid criticism from parents over the quality of education and claims of theft from a fundraiser.

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06/27/2024 - The 10 Horrible Datapoints That Make Clear How Bad Universal Vouchers Are

To capture just how bad it is, I asked Steve Dyer, a former Ohio Stare Rep. who tracks the attack on public education as closely as anyone out there, to put together a LETTERMAN-style TOP 10 LIST—of the worst 10 datapoints that capture just how disastrous the reckless universal voucher giveaway is in Ohio.

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06/26/2024 - Barr Foundation K-12 Interest Groups Throw Their Muscle (and Dollars) Around

This is a post about politics, not education. The politics is that billionaire Amos Hostetter, benefactor of Barr and a donor of $2 million in dark money to the 2016 charters campaign, is using his money to shape the K-12 policy debate.

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06/26/2024 - CNN exposes problems with Arizona voucher program that was a model for Arkansas LEARNS

The results in Arizona could well be a preview of what’s coming in Arkansas: A CNN investigation found that the program has cost hundreds of millions of dollars more than anticipated, disproportionately benefited richer areas, and funneled taxpayer funds to unregulated private schools that don’t face the same educational standards and antidiscrimination protections that public schools do.

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06/26/2024 - Sanders Report Details Plot by Right-Wing Billionaires to ‘Sabotage’ Public Education

“Instead of siphoning money and increasing tax breaks to subsidize private education, we have a responsibility to ensure all students have access to quality K-12 education.”

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06/26/2024 - These Researchers Study the Legacy of the Segregation Academies They Grew Up Around

And a third is examining how these academies, operating in a “landscape marred by historical racial tensions,” receive public money through Alabama’s voucher-style private school tuition grants.

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06/25/2024 - What Are We All Losing as States Divert Massive Tax Dollars to Vouchers?

When states sacrifice scarce budget dollars for private school tuition vouchers, politicians choose to ignore that public schools are everything that private schools are not.

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06/25/2024 - Arizona Shows The Voucher Money Shuffle In Action

Private schools are exempt from a host of state and federal regulations when it comes to access, discrimination, oversight, and approved curriculum.

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06/24/2024 - Opinion: NC school vouchers fund private schools with discriminatory admission policies

Private schools also decide who they allow into their schools — 89% of the private schools receiving the most funding through vouchers discriminate in some capacity within their admissions process, thereby excluding a significant proportion of North Carolina students in the state from having access.

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06/21/2024 - ELIZABETH PAUL & MARY ANN WOLF: Are vouchers school choice or schools’ choice?

Amid calls for increased school choice, we must consider: by providing taxpayer-funded vouchers to schools that practice discriminatory admissions policies and are held to some of the weakest accountability and reporting requirements in the country, are we providing more quality school options or instead expanded schools’ choice?

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06/21/2024 - Republicans’ long game to siphon off public school funding is working

A new report from CNN sheds light on the right-wing effort to funnel public funds to ultraconservative private Christian schools.

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06/21/2024 - Letter to the editor: School vouchers are a scam that provide rebate for the rich

Plain and simple, vouchers are a scam that is basically a rebate to better-off families and does not truly help students who are low-income.

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