February 26, 2020 5:57 pm

Tell the House: No more funding for charter entrepreneurs. Fund Title I instead.

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Today February 27, Betsy DeVos defends her budget before the House Appropriations sub-committee led by Rosa DeLauro. This year, DeVos took the funding for the Charter Schools Program out of her budget and put it in a block grant.

Our job is to make sure that the nearly half billion dollars to start up new charter schools is not restored. Nearly one billion dollars of waste on charter schools that never open, or open and close, is enough.

Call the following committee members now.

Lucille Roybal-Allard–(202) 225-1766

Rosa DeLauro–(202) 225-3661

Barbara Lee–(202) 225-2661

Mark Pocan–(202) 225-2906

Katherine Clark–(202) 225-2836

Lois Frankel–(202) 225-9890

Cheri Bustos–(202) 225-5905

Bonnie Watson-Coleman–(202) 225-5801

Keep your message simple:

My name is (your name). I am calling Representative X to ask that the Charter Schools Program funding not be restored. The Charter Schools Program has wasted nearly a billion dollars that could have gone to our neediest students. The Charter Schools Program should not be funded. The federal government should leave the funding for new charter schools to the state.

If the phone is not answered, or you call after hours, leave a message.

Then send an email to your representative. Click here.