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Teacher to 3rd graders: I apologize for having to ‘quantify you with a number’ | The Answer Sheet


Barnett Berry is the founder and chief executive officer of the Center for Teaching Quality,  a national nonprofit organization based in Carrboro, North Carolina aimed at transforming the teaching profession. He wrote to me about a colleague of his, Wendi Pillars, a teacher who wrote an apology to young students who are being forced to take too many tests and miss out on hands-on projects and other enriching work.  First read what Berry has to say about Wendi Pillars, and then read her letter.

From Barnett Berry:

I am proud to work with Wendi Pillars, an English as a Second Language (ESL) expert who teaches in a rural high-poverty school about 20 miles from our CTQ offices in North Carolina. Wendi is part of our virtual community: the CTQ Collaboratory includes more than 4,000 educators and is open to all who value teacher leadership.

via Teacher to 3rd graders: I apologize for having to ‘quantify you with a number’.