Our mission: To preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.

Promoting 8 Powerful Voices in Defense of Public Education via social media

Hi NPE Social Media Team,

Are you fired up and ready to spread the word? Use your Twitter or Facebook accounts to amplify Diane’s message in this first of 8 short films from Network for Public Education. (If you don’t have Facebook or Twitter, please email all your friends and include this link to the video: https://networkforpubliceducation.org/2017/09/8-powerful-voices-defense-education-diane-ravitch/.)

You can introduce the video using your own words or use any of the language suggested below for Facebook users.

If you are on Facebook or Twitter, here’s what to do:

Diane’s film will go live at 9am on Sunday, September 17.

Start sharing as soon after 9am Sunday as you can! The closer to the 9 AM release time, the better the chances of reaching a wider audience. If you can’t get to it in the morning, try your best to share at some point that day.

When and How Often to Share

Sharing via Twitter?


Aim to tweet out the video twice a day for 5 days.

Sharing via Facebook?


Like and comment on the video on the NPE page, then use the share button to share it to your own wall. Try to respond to comments people have left on the videos you share.

We need 2 volunteers to post to group pages, too! If you are a member of a lot of relevant Facebook groups, and you’re willing to help with this, please email Michael Elliot at 



What and How to Share

Sharing via Twitter?


Here are five suggested tweets (mostly quotes or paraphrases from Diane’s words in the film) because we hope you will be sending tweets for 5 consecutive days. Just “Click To Tweet” (don’t click the link in the tweet) and if you’re logged in to your twitter account, the tweet will be generated automatically.


WATCH #RavitchVideo DeVos removes false veneer of progressivism from charters #8PublicEdVoices https://ctt.ec/D7yUd+

Network for Public Education Click To Tweet


WATCH #RavitchVideo Schools, not parents, get the choice #StopPrivatization #8PublicEdVideos https://ctt.ec/e6u7B+

Network for Public Education Click To Tweet


WATCH #RavitchVideo Public schools serve the community #CitizensNotConsumers #8PublicEdVoices https://ctt.ec/6n1b8+

Network for Public Education Click To Tweet


WATCH #RavitchVideo RT if U believe ALL kids deserve a great public education #8PublicEdVoices https://ctt.ec/1dKdH+

Network for Public Education Click To Tweet


WATCH #RavitchVideo See why this grandmother scares @BetsyDeVosED @BillGates #8PublicEdVoices https://ctt.ec/1bxb2+

Network for Public Education Click To Tweet


If you write your own, please ensure at a minimum to include the link to the video https://networkforpubliceducation.org/?p=9617  and the hashtag #8PublicEdVoices and/or #RavitchVideo.

Retweeting & Quote tweets

Don’t just use the hashtags #8PublicEdVoices and #RavitchVideo, follow the hashtags (just put the hashtag in your search bar and you’ll see all of the tweets with that hashtag) and make sure to:

RT  retweet any original tweets with our hashtags.

QT – When you retweet, you can also turn your retweet into a “quote tweet” by adding your own comments in the Add a comment field. This gives you an additional 140 characters to add to your tweet! That’s room for lots of handles to tag your friends!

Sharing via Facebook?


Go to the NPE Facebook page and like it.

Watch the entire video on the NPE page. It will be pinned to the top of the page. (By watching the whole video, you encourage the Facebook algorithm to send the video to more Facebook feeds).

Like and comment on the video on the NPE page (for the same reason as above).

Use the Share button to share to your wall. Choose the option “Write Post.”

Add a headline/caption to entice your friends to watch the video. Here’s the tricky part. We can’t just give you a pre-formatted caption to cut and paste because Facebook might perceive that caption to be spam, so you’ll have to make up your own caption.

Caption Suggestions (please alter slightly)

  1. Concerned about (fill in the blank with vouchers, charters, dwindling and/or school funding, etc)? Watch this (your adjective here: powerful, galvanizing, etc.) film!
  2. What’s step 1 in stopping the (fill in the blank with privatization, corporate takeover and/or destruction, etc.) of public education? Watching this film!
  3. Pow! Watch Diane Ravitch’s powerful takedown of (fill in the blank with the Betsy DeVos agenda, privatization, vouchers, and/or charter schools, etc).

Additional Facebook Suggestions

Tag people in the comments of your shares. This is the silver bullet of social media power! By tagging people you make them feel special and they are more likely to look at what you’ve shared. Try to tag a minimum of 5 people, but you can tag as many as you want.

Try to share to people who aren’t already members of the activist community! We are trying to break out of the bubble of activism and into the general public.

“Like” and leave a comment when you see the video posted! If you see it on a friend’s page, a group page, etc., show the video some love.

Creating and producing these videos has been a tremendous experience for everyone involved. We know that the message in these videos will resonate far beyond our usual circles if we can just get them in front of a larger audience. We can’t do that part without you, so thank you!