This week we have been shocked and horrified by the shootings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St. Paul. by police. The Network for Public Education sends our deepest condolences to their families and friends. We strongly condemn the racial profiling and disparate justice that culminates in violence against Black Americans.
Our deep sympathies also go to the families and friends of Lorne Ahrens, Michael Smith, Michael Krol, Patrick Zamarripa and Brent Thompson, the police officers who lost their lives protecting those engaged in a peaceful march–killed by a gunman with a deliberate agenda of violent vengeance against the police.
At this weekend’s Save our Schools March in Washington D.C., Reverend Doctor William Barber, II reminded us that we must show our children how we work together to solve the injustice, violence and conflicts that confront our nation.
He said, “Each shot was heard around the world and each shot inflicted more wounds on our nation’s soul….and if you are a true human being, you are outraged at the death of anybody. We must choose to do better, we must choose to be more human. We must choose to be more loving and more just.”
Our children cannot learn when they live in a state of fear and despair. We must educate our students to fight and change these systems. We need to support them to lead all of us to a better world.
Reverend Barber’s speech begins at minute 10:00. You can hear it in its entirety here.