June 30, 2023 8:10 pm

NPE Statement on Supreme Court Decision: SFFA v. Harvard and FFA v. UNC

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The Network for Public Education is deeply disappointed by the Supreme Court’s decision to declare that universities and colleges’ holistic, race-conscious admissions processes are unconstitutional. The ruling tramples on academic freedom and the interest of universities and colleges in assembling a diverse student body.

It is well known that many private colleges and universities give enrollment preference to legacy applicants, athletes, musicians, and donors. Using holistic processes, preference is given to increase other factors, such as geographical diversity. Excluding race and ethnicity from the many factors used in the decision-making process not only promotes inequity but will under prepare America’s children for full participation in our national life.

Fortunately, many colleges accept everyone who applies so this decision won’t change their admissions. We encourage elite institutions to find creative means to increase diversity and eliminate those barriers that result in campuses that do not represent the full diversity of our nation.