Since the publication of our latest report, the charter lobby has resorted to ad hominem attacks on Diane Ravitch and the Network for Public Education.
Take a moment to read my reply published today in The Washington Post Answer Sheet. In that reply, I share a letter to Congress from Betsy DeVos that confirms our findings regarding the enormous waste of federal dollars on charter schools that never opened or opened and closed.
Please share that response on social media using the following link:
Last month alone there were 25 stories from around the country of charter school embezzlement, waste, scandal and/or closures–including stories about how the IDEA charter chain, which has received over $200 million dollars from the Charter Schools Program, planned to lease its own private jet and now flies its employees and their spouses first-class.
Meanwhile, public school teachers are reaching in their pockets to buy school supplies.
Later this month, we will begin a grassroots lobbying campaign demanding CSP reform. Next on our investigative agenda will be the enormous grants to the charter chains. We delivered our first FOIA request to Betsy DeVos’s department today.
Don’t Miss NPE President Diane Ravitch’s Book Tour

Never underestimate our grassroots efforts to save our public schools! That phrase sums up Diane’s exciting new book, Slaying Goliath, which is released this month on January 21.
Come and meet Diane as she talks about her book. There are exciting opportunities across the United States.
Below are five events in the first weeks of her book launch.
January 21: 7:30 p.m. Brooklyn, NY.
Community Bookstore Event
274 Garfield Place & Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY (Congregation Beth Elohim).
Please secure your ticket for this event and share the link:
(Teachers, notice the discounted ticket at the end.)
January 27: 6:30 p.m. Coral Gables, FL.
Books & Books Event
265 Aragon Ave. Carol Gables, FL.
January 29: 7:00 p.m. Washington, D.C.
Politics and Prose Bookstore
5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. Washington, D.C.
February 4: 7:30 p.m. Seattle, WA.
The Great Hall, Seattle Town Hall
1119 8th Ave. Seattle, Washington.
February 6: 7:30 p.m. Menlo Park, CA.
Kepler’s Books
1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA
Finally a big thank you to all of you. Because of your generosity, the Network for Public Education had its best end-of-year fundraising event ever. Whether you gave your financial support, shared our newsletters and reports, re-tweeted our tweets or engaged in our advocacy campaigns, we truly appreciate your efforts and thank you for all that you do for public schools and the wonderful children who attend them.
Let’s ring in 2020–The Year of the Public School.