The NPE Grassroots Education Network is a network of over 200 grassroots organizations nationwide that have joined together to preserve, promote, improve, and strengthen our public schools. If you know of a group that would like to join this powerful network, please go here to sign on. If you have any questions about the NPE Grassroots Education Network, please contact Marla Kilfoyle, NPE Grassroots Education Network Liaison, at ma***********@ne***********************.org
Notes from Marla
I am so proud to write that this is the seventh installment of the NPE Grassroots Education Network Roundup. Each year I create a small summary of some of the powerful victories, and work, organizations in the network have produced. It is a small summary but it is a big testament to all the work grassroots groups across the country continue to do. The roundup is divided into regions of the country. To get a picture of the power of the NPE Grassroots Education Network please head over to the section of the NPE website that highlights the network and archives the monthly newsletters. I am sure 2025 will continue to bring us more victories for children, their families, and public education. As we move into 2025, NPE hopes to see all of you at our conference to be held in Columbus, Ohio on April 5th and 6th. Don’t delay your registration and discounted hotel rates, they will go fast once 2025 hits! To learn more go here for registration and hotel information.

The Network for Public Education launched a new project this year called the National Center for Charter School Accountability. The center released a report this year called Doomed to Fail. In that report we analyzed charter closures from 1998 to 2022. You can read that report on the NCCSA website here. In the Public Interest released a report this year on how community schools are transforming public education. It is a must have for any advocate resource, To read and share the report go here. First Focus Campaign for Children continues to host their successful Children’s Week, which was a huge success this year. Be sure to keep up with their 2025 Children’s Week which happens in the month of June. Go here to learn more. The Journey for Justice Alliance launched their Equity or Else Power Series this year. It was an amazing success! To view the events that made up that Series go here. Parents for Public Schools, Inc. were in DC this year as part of United Parent Leaders Action Network. Go here to view information about their trip. The Parent Coalition for Student Privacy successfully convinced NYC Chancellor Ramos to create a working group that would collaborate to revise the regulations so that students’ safety and privacy are not put at unacceptable risk by allowing the unrestricted release of their sensitive data. Go here to read more on this incredible milestone.
PPS San Francisco and Evolve California worked hard to stop school closures in 2024. PPS San Francisco asked community members to show up to school board meetings that involved school closures. Evolve California shared stories about families and children who will be impacted by school closures. Go here to read their comments and stories. In 2024 Advocates for Public Education Policy worked in collaboration with 15 other organizations to hold the in-person summit, “Reclaiming Education as a Public Good.” The day was filled with presentations by national figures Diane Ravitch and Jack Schneider and local Colorado education experts from around the state. The goal was to develop strategies for combating the “reform” movement that promotes privatization in education. The energy and enthusiasm in the room was electrifying. To view videos from this event go here. Community & Parents for Public Schools of Portland (CPPS) hosted a successful Public School Strong Orientation event this year. Go here to see more information about this event.
Save our Schools Arizona worked hard all year on several projects. Their Voucher Watch and Vouchers Hurt campaigns continue to be a powerhouse in the Southwestern part of the country. I would need to write a three page newsletter to highlight all of their work on educating the public about vouchers. Please visit their Weekly Education Reports to see what this amazing organization has been up to all year. Joining SOS Arizona as a powerhouse in the Southwestern part of the country is Pastors for Texas Children. In 2024, the Pastors for Texas Children hosted a successful national conference. Go here and here for pictures from the day. Community Voices for Public Education continue to fight the state takeover of Houston public schools. On top of that issue, they also spent part of 2024 advocating against a bad bond that would continue to destroy Houston public schools. They hosted a Lunch & Letters campaign urging the Greater Houston Partnership to oppose the bad bond and save Houston public schools. To learn more about this fantastic advocacy idea go here.
The Wisconsin Public Education Network continues to be a powerful organization not just in Wisconsin but across the country. In 2024 they celebrated Governor Evers’s signing of fairer legislative districts — something WPEN has waited so long for in Wisconsin. Go here for more information and for pictures from the day. The Indiana Coalition for Public Education (ICPE) conducted a campaign in 2024 where they asked their lawmakers to sign pledges to support Indiana public schools. This campaign is an excellent template for other organizations to use with lawmakers. The Indiana Coalition for Public Schools – Monroe County worked hard this year to expose how high stakes testing does not make good education policy. Go here to read and learn more. In 2024 Illinois Raise Your Hand hosted a session on learning about how parents can fight for their rights in the face of bullying. Illinois Raise Your Hand hosted this with Equip for Equality, Loyola University Chicago School of Law and Stand Up for Each Other, Chicago. Illinois Families for Public Schools worked hard in 2024 to make sure that ISBE doesn’t allow ACT, Inc. to sell student data under a new contract. They asked Illinois citizens to please get involved. To learn more about this important work go here. In Ohio, Public Education Partners (PEP) helped to exposed that a Private school principal encouraged high income constituents to apply for EdChoice vouchers and use them for vacations.
In 2024, Grassroots Arkansas honored Ruthie Walls, the lead plaintiff in Walls v. Sanders. The case will challenge the Arkansas LEARNS Act which punishes educators for teaching Critical Race Theory. We will keep you updated on this case as we head into 2025. In 2024, Hillsborough Public School Advocates along with Beef O’Brady’s, their sponsors, Yacht Starship, and their silent auction participants, raised over 25k for public schools. HPSA thanks their donors and every volunteer who worked tirelessly for months to make this possible. The Florida Freedom to Read Project continued to be a strong presence in Florida and the country on book banning in 2024. They dropped a lot of receipts on their attempts to share their concerns with FLDOE regarding censorship of LGBTQ+ books. Families for Strong Public Schools celebrated the power of their parent volunteers in 2024. FSPS parent volunteers hit the streets to canvas in support of Hillsborough’s millage referendum, spreading the word about the importance of supporting public schools. Public School Defenders: Duval County worked hard on several issues in 2024. The most important being a mass school closure and charter expansion in their district. In 2024. The Georgia Youth Justice Coalition for Action continued to show up and testify against book bans and for a public education system in Cobb County that truly supports all students, including Black, brown, Muslim, and LGTBQ+ students most under attack by politicians in Georgia. Public Schools First NC conducted a powerful campaign in 2024 to show how vouchers will hurt their public schools and how schools will thrive if schools are fully funded. Step Up Louisiana held their Fall for Liberation Campaign this year. The event which draws inspiration from the Civil Rights Movement’s Freedom Summer, was held on September 21st.
Citizens for Public Schools in Massachusetts asked their membership this year to push for the Thrive Act. The Thrive Act ends the undemocratic practice of state takeover, removes MCAS as a high school graduation requirement, and establishes a commission that gives our communities a voice in building a better assessment and accountability system. The New Bedford Coalition to Save Our Schools held community meetings this year to discuss environmental stewardship, health, and justice. Class Size Matters (NY) organized a rally in NYC for smaller class sizes in 2024. Go here to see the video of that rally. Class Size Matters also gave testimony on the Mayor’s Executive Budget and planned cuts to schools this year. You can read that testimony here. The Alliance for Quality Education’s Zakiyah Shaakir-Ansari, Jasmine Gripper from the NY Working Families Party and Congressman Jamaal Bowman held an Afterschool Special in celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week this year. It is a great model for other organizations to follow and use. To learn more go here. Our Children Our Schools (NJ), Education Law Center, and Public Funds Public Schools worked hard to stop school vouchers in NJ in 2024. Together with over 50 NJ and national organizations they published a letter to the Governor and Legislature about their opposition to school vouchers. You can read that letter here. Education Voters PA released a new report this year exposing how cyber charters bilk taxpayers out of money and are a huge racket. Go here to read that report. The Alliance for Philadelphia Public Schools Philadelphia used their blog this year to expose how the board consistently renews charters that fail to meet standards.