The Network for Public Education Issues its Position Statement on Charter Schools
NPE Statement on Charter Schools
The Network for Public Education believes that public education is the pillar of our democracy. We believe in the common school envisioned by Horace Mann. A common school is a public institution, which nurtures and teaches all who live within its boundaries, regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, sexual orientation or learning ability. All may enroll–regardless of when they seek to enter the school or where they were educated before.
We believe that taxpayers bear the responsibility for funding those schools and that funding should be ample and equitable to address the needs of the served community. We also believe that taxpayers have the right to examine how schools use tax dollars to educate children.
Most importantly, we believe that such schools should be accountable to the community they serve, and that community residents have the right and responsibility to elect those who govern the school. Citizens also have the right to insist that schooling be done in a manner that best serves the needs of all children.
By definition, a charter school is not a public school. Charter schools are formed when a private organization contracts with a government authorizer to open and run a school. Charters are managed by private boards, often with no connection to the community they serve. The boards of many leading charter chains are populated by billionaires who often live far away from the schools they govern.
Through lotteries, recruitment, and restrictive entrance policies, charters do not serve all children. The public cannot review income and expenditures in detail. Some are for-profit entities. Many are non-profits that farm out management to for-profit corporations that operate behind a wall of secrecy. This results in scandal, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer funds. The news is replete with stories of self-dealing, conflicts of interest, and theft occurring in charter schools [1].
During the 30 years that charter schools have existed, we have learned that the overall academic performance of students in charter schools is no better, and often worse, than the performance of students in public schools. Yet charter schools are seen as the remedy when public schools are closed based on unfair letter-based grading schemes.
Through school closures and failed takeover practices like the Achievement School District, disadvantaged communities lose their public schools to charter schools. Not only do such communities lose the schools, but they also lose their voice in school governance.
There is little that is innovative or new that charter schools offer. Because of their “freedom” from regulations, allegedly to promote innovation, scandals involving the finances and governance of charter schools occur weekly. Charter schools can and have closed at will, leaving families stranded. Profiteers with no educational expertise have seized the opportunity to open charter schools and use those schools for self-enrichment. States with weak charter laws encourage nepotism, profiteering by politicians, and worse.
For all of the above reasons, the Network for Public Education regards charter schools as a failed experiment that our organization cannot support. If the strength of charter schools is the freedom to innovate, then that same freedom should be offered to public schools by the district or the state.
At the same time, we recognize that many families have come to depend on charter schools and that many charter school teachers are dedicated professionals who serve their students well. It is also true that some charter schools are successful. We do not, therefore, call for the immediate closure of all charter schools, but rather, we advocate for their eventual absorption into the public school system. We look forward to the day when charter schools are governed not by private boards but by those elected by the community at the district, city, or county level. We applaud states like Virginia, Alaska and Kansas that only allow charters to open with community consent via the local school board.
Until that time, we support all legislation and regulations that will make charters better learning environments for students and more accountable to the taxpayers who fund them. Such legislation would include the following:
- An immediate moratorium on the creation of new charter schools, including no replication or expansion of existing charter schools
- The transformation of for-profit charters to non-profit charters
- The transformation of for-profit management organizations to non-profit management organizations
- All due process rights for charter students that are afforded public school students in all matters of discipline
- Required certification of all school teaching and administrative staff
- Complete transparency in all expenditures and income
- Complete transparency in all contracts with charter management organizations and operators
- Requirements that student bodies reflect the demographics of the served community
- Open meetings of the board of directors, posted at least two weeks prior on the charter’s website
- Annual audits available to the public
- Requirements to follow bidding laws and regulations
- Requirements that all properties owned by the charter school become the property of the local public school if the charter closes
- Requirements that all charter facilities meet building codes
- Requirements that charters offer free or reduced-priced lunch programs for students
- Full compensation from the state for all expenditures incurred when a student leaves the public school to attend a charter
- Authorization, oversight, and renewal of charters transferred to the local district in which they are located
- A rejection of all ALEC legislation regarding charter schools that advocates for less transparency, less accountability, and the removal of requirements for teacher certification.
Until charter schools become true public schools, the Network for Public Education will consider them private schools that take public funding.