March 30, 2017 7:15 pm
March Grassroots Education Network Reports
March Grassroots Education Network Reports
read this month’s reports from Iowa, Arizona, Tennessee and from our national partner, FairTest
Momma Bears – The Last Remaining Voucher Bill Stalls in Committee
When a voucher bill dies in committee, the Momma Bears of Tennessee ask, “What exactly is the point of vouchers?”
Opt-out of testing for better public education!
Our friends at FairTest make the argument that by educating and organizing toward clear testing reform goals, we can win.
The Rise of Iowans for Public Education
As ALEC targets Iowa and Americans for Prosperity sets up offices statewide, Iowans for Public Education know they’re in for a long and difficult fight.
The Consequences of Unmonitored Charter Schools
The most basic transparency is a simple accounting of where public dollars are spent. This transparency is sorely lacking in Arizona.