Our mission: To preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week: Here is How You Can Make a Difference

Ten years ago, the Network for Public Education was born to support our public schools and their students and teachers. It was a difficult time—an era in which politicians promoted teacher evaluation by test scores, school closures, and the poorly implemented and unrealistic standards and testing of the Common Core.

Our first conference in Austin, Texas brought together teachers and parents from all over the country who united, stood up, and fought back. Teachers left that conference, and all subsequent conferences, feeling empowered and prepared to support their profession and public education. They formed many of the grassroots organizations that are fighting for public schools today. 

Won’t you celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week by helping to bring a teacher to our tenth-anniversary conference this year? This week all tax deductible donations to NPE will go toward our teacher scholarship fund.  Donate here.

Our tenth-anniversary conference with a line-up of outstanding speakers will be our best and most important conference yet as we gather to fight against the right-wing forces determined to destroy and defund public education and turn it into a marketplace system of unregulated voucher schools, homeschools, online schools and yes, even religious private charter schools.

Our nation, democracy, and our children are depending on us.

If you are able to contribute $250 or more, your name will be recognized in our program as an individual conference sponsor. We are, of course, happy to accept any level of giving you can afford. Donate Here.

Thank you for all that you do! And please attend yourself. You will find more information on this exciting event on October 28-29 in Washington D.C. when we gather at the Capital Hilton to celebrate our 10th Anniversary.