Our mission: To preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.

Join us in a Day of Action to Stop Gun Violence in our Schools


After the slaughter of students and staff in Parkland, Florida, the time for action has never been more urgent. The politicians sit on their hands as our children and their teachers are murdered in their schools. We will be silent no more! The failure to enact rational laws that bar access to guns designed for mass shootings is inexcusable. It is past time to speak out and act.

Pledge your support to stop gun violence here.

We call for mass action on April 20, the anniversary of the horrific shootings at Columbine High School. We urge teachers, families, students, administrators and every member of the community to engage in acts of protest in and around their schools. Create actions that work best in your community.  Organize sit-ins, teach-ins, walkouts, marches–whatever you decide will show your school and community’s determination to keep our students safe. One elementary teacher suggested that teachers and parents link arms around the school to show their determination to protect children.

It is time to let our legislators know that they must stand up to the gun lobby and enact meaningful reform to protect students and staff.

Advocacy groups including the AFT, NEA and the BATS have already pledged their support.

We are asking you to take the pledge now and join us on April 20. Be a leader in your own community and develop meaningful activities that show that you stand for safe and peaceful schools. Share your ideas with us.

Sign up here, and then post this link: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/national-day-of-action-against-gun-violence-in-schools.

Sign up your families. Sign up your friends. There can be no excuse for inaction.

Thank you for all that you do.

Diane Ravitch,

President of the Network for Public Education

Carol Burris

Executive Director