Our mission: To preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.

January 2020 Newsletter

2019 saw a marked increase in the number of reports involving scandalous behavior on the part of charter schools.

Here is an important Answer Sheet blog I wrote that highlights the top 5 charter scandals of 2019.

After you read it, share the link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/01/27/5-most-serious-charter-school-scandals-2019-why-they-matter/.

As awareness of outrageous behavior increases, so do calls for charter law reform. Do your part by sharing the facts.


Diane’s latest book Slaying Goliath was officially released last week. Read this terrific Q and A with Diane that appeared in the Washington Post here.

And be on the lookout to see if Diane is coming to a city near you. Go here to find her book talk schedule for this month and next.

The Network for Public Education’s Position Statement Regarding Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue

Last week the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on the case of Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue. The litigants seek to force the state of Montana to allow taxpayer dollars to go to private religious schools. Betsy DeVos has indicated her support for “faith-based education,” but this diversion of public funds goes against the long-standing separation of church and state, and threatens to further weaken public schools. 
The Network for Public Education categorically opposes the use of tax dollars for private and parochial schools. If parents wish to educate children in such schools, they should do so with private funds. Public funds should be spent for the common good. 
We encourage you to read about this important study that shows how Indiana’s voucher program has led to a new generation of segregation academies.
Only Six More Weeks Until Our National Conference