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Facts about Gun Violence and Where the Public Stands | National Day of Action


-More than 150,000 students attending K-12 schools have experienced a shooting on campus since the Columbine High School massacre in 1999.

–A total of 1,300 children die and nearly 6,000 more suffer gunshot wounds every year in the U.S.

–Black children are 10 times more likely to die from a gun than are white children.

-According to the CDC, on average, 96 people a day are killed by guns.

-in 2018, as of 2/20, defined as an incident in which 4 or more people were shot, there have been 34 mass shootings resulting in 60 deaths and 139 injuries.

Where does the public stand on gun control?

  • Support for universal background checks: 97%
  • Support for a nationwide ban on assault weapons: 67%
  • Believe Congress needs to do more to reduce gun violence: 75%
  • Support for a mandatory waiting period for all gun purchases: 83%