Thousands of calls have been made to senators’ offices, and over 95,000 emails have been sent by Network for Public Education members since the DeVos nomination.
The DeVos hearing was delayed until the 17th. In order for senators to make truly informed decisions, there must be a place for public voice. Yet, we are hearing that no witnesses have been asked to speak.
We must demand that the hearing include the testimony of citizens. Here is what we asking you to do.
1. Make phone calls. Below is a list of HELP committee members. Even if you called their office, call again. Tell the senator’s staff that citizen testimony should be included in the hearings. We have provided a new script and phone numbers at the end of this email.
2. Join our twitter campaign. Just hit “click to tweet” on the tweets below and the link will bring you to twitter where the tweet will automatically be generated for you to send.
It’s as easy as that!
@SenAlexander, over 1,000 TN public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet
@SenatorBurr, over 1,700 NC public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenatorIsakson, over 1,400 GA public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@RandPaul, hundreds of KY public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenatorCollins, hundreds of ME public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@BillCassidy, hundreds of LA public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenToddYoung, over 2,000 IN public school allies sent an email asking to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenOrrinHatch, hundreds of UT public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenPatRoberts, hundreds of KS public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@lisamurkowski, hundreds of AK public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenatorTimScott, hundreds of SC public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes!Click To Tweet

@PattyMurray, almost 3,000 WA public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenSanders, hundreds of VT public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenBobCasey, almost 6,000 PA public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenFranken, over 1,300 MN public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenBennetCO, almost 2,400 CO public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenWhitehouse, hundreds of RI public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenatorBaldwin, over 1,000 WI public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenMurphyOffice, over 1,000 CT public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenKaineOffice, almost 2,600 VA public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenatorHassan, hundreds of NH public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet

@SenWarren, over 2,500 MA public school allies sent an email asking you to #DumpDeVos! Please, respect their wishes! Click To Tweet
All of the tweets are on our website too – share the link on social media so that others join the campaign.
Let’s send a clear message to Washington–keep your hands off our neighborhood public schools and local tax dollars. Don’t put a privatizer in charge!
Here is an article in The New York Times that is a blistering portrayal of Betsy DeVos.
Here is our latest installment in our charter school series. It focuses on how profiteers and charters are defunding public schools in Pennsylvania. Get armed with the facts. Read and share both.
Here is the list of HELP members.
My name is ______________________ and I am calling to ask the senator to insist that the testimony of citizens be included during the HELP hearings for Betsy DeVos. Recent articles in The New York Times indicate that Ms. DeVos has neither the character nor expertise needed for the job. It is imperative that testimony be included during such an important hearing, so that the committee can make an informed decision.
Thank you.
Thank you for all that you do.
Carol Burris
Network for Public Education
Executive Director