Our Another Day Another Charter Scandal page now includes a sorting feature that allows you to search charter scandals by state and by 12 different categories. You can also search by keyword. Just use the ‘X’ to clear search terms and return to the full list of scandals.

06/29/2024 - The “school choice” argument is a bad-faith attempt at furthering the privatization of PA schools.

A tiered education system is inherently unequal. Voucher programs like PASS expose the fact that in the eyes of billionaires, quality education is a luxury to be enjoyed by the privileged few, while the rest of society must learn to weather the underfunded public education system.

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06/28/2024 - Three Memphis charter schools closing due to ‘unsustainable low enrollment’

Leaders called an emergency board meeting Wednesday, June 26, to discuss a notice of violations and potential revocation from the Achievement School District.

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06/28/2024 - The Growing Financial Strain of Charter School Expansion on Texas Public Schools

These figures represent a significant financial burden, diverting resources that could otherwise enhance educational services and student experiences in public schools.

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06/27/2024 - Charter Schools Still Owe At Least $2,872,464

In an informative dated May 30, 2024, Carvalho reported to his bosses on the School Board that as of the end of March charter schools still owed the District $2,872,464 for unpaid over-allocation fees.

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06/27/2024 - 3 Memphis Charter Schools Set for Abrupt Closure

Charter operator Memphis Scholars received a violation from Tennessee’s Achievement School District, prompting a board vote to close three schools (Subscription required)

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06/26/2024 - Orlando union-busters helped Ohio charter school violate employees’ rights, federal judge finds

An administrative law judge for the National Labor Relations Board found that a charter school operator in Ohio, with the help of a “union avoidance” firm based in Orlando, unlawfully threatened school staff who sought to unionize with the Ohio Federation of Teachers last year.

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06/26/2024 - Approval of first publicly funded religious charter school in US ruled unconstitutional

The approval of the nation’s first publicly funded religious charter school was struck down as unconstitutional by the Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday.

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06/24/2024 - For-Profit Charter Schools Provide an Entryway for Private Investors to Exploit Public Education

The combination of for-profit operators backed by private equity has become prevalent in other publicly funded sectors that have traditionally been operated by federal and/or state governments or nonprofit organizations. And the results have not been beneficial to the public or the individuals the publicly funded system was intended to serve.

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06/22/2024 - How NC charter school with GOP backers, ‘classical’ education could skip state approvals

“It’s outrageous and irresponsible to bypass the review process in order to please an apparent political objective,” Carol Burris, executive director of the Network for Public Education Foundation, told The Charlotte Observer. “The point of the review is to make sure the school can survive. This is a serious taxpayer investment and there needs to be oversight.”

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06/21/2024 - State recommends closing Las Vegas charter school that owes taxpayers $830K

The Nevada State Public Charter School Authority is seeking to close a school that owes taxpayers more than $800,000.

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06/19/2024 - How the Right Exploits ‘Moms’ to Privatize Education

Moms for Liberty is just one of several dark money groups that pretend to be mom-led grassroots movements.

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06/19/2024 - School choice is diverting funds from traditional Miami-Dade public schools, say activists

Outside Tuesday’s Miami-Dade County School Board meeting, parents, advocates, policy leaders, and students gathered to protest what they say is the defunding of traditional public schools.

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