Our mission: To preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.


Our Another Day Another Charter Scandal page now includes a sorting feature that allows you to search charter scandals by state and by 12 different categories. You can also search by keyword. Just use the ‘X’ to clear search terms and return to the full list of scandals.

Auditors find over $2M in funds misused by charter school CEO

A recent audit accused the CEO of the charter school Education Explosion for the misuse of over $2 million in funds for personal expenses. The school says it intends to pursue legal action against the Louisiana Legislative Auditor over what the school says were factual inaccuracies in the report.


Education at a Crossroads: Protecting Our Public Schools in the Age of Charter Expansion

Plainfield’s public schools are under attack, and the battleground isn’t in the classroom; it’s in the fight between public and charter schools. The relentless push for charter school expansion threatens to dismantle the very foundation of our community’s educational system. While proponents tout choice and innovation, the reality is far more concerning.


Virtual school officials used money for students on political donations instead, prosecutors say

The founder of two shuttered virtual charter schools used state funds meant for “underprivileged and at-risk” students to make over $40,000 in campaign contributions in 2018 to support Republican candidates, prosecutors allege in an ongoing federal criminal case.


Lawsuit, state investigations find problems at chain of North Carolina charter schools

Records obtained by WBTV show multiple of the company’s schools have come under scrutiny in North Carolina.The N.C. Department of Public Instruction found two of Charter One’s schools in North Carolina in violation of state policies or federal laws protecting students with disabilities over the past two school years.


Impact Charter School founder accused in state audit of extensive personal use of school’s money

Auditors detail at length Impact Charter’s close and unorthodox relationship with its private foundation, Friends of Impact Charter School. (subscription required)


Crete Can’t Run From Its Failures

Ranked as one of the worst schools in California, this “low-performing” charter school fights to renew its charter by using faulty data.


Dozens of New Jersey charter have had charters revoked or not renewed since 2004

Dozens of New Jersey charter schools have had their charters revoked or not renewed since 2004


Hundreds of Charter Schools Will Fail, Close, and Abandon Thousands of Families in 2025

Over the past 30+ years, thousands of charter schools have failed, closed, and abandoned millions of students, parents, teachers, education support staff, principals, and others—all in the name of “choice,” “competition,”


Charter schools lessons for public schools misses the mark

In his article, Terry Ryan gives five lessons from Idaho’s public charter schools that public schools should learn from, but likely won’t. These lessons – non-union workplace, alternative certification for teachers/administrators, no elected school board, lack of access to local tax dollars, and being a school of choice for parents and educators – are items that public schools cannot control and are heavily regulated by our elected officials.


Citing poor test scores, MPS board declines new contract for Milwaukee Environmental Sciences Academy

Amid concerns about academic performance and staffing, the Milwaukee Public Schools Board of Directors on Thursday voted against giving a new contract to the Milwaukee Environmental Sciences Academy charter school.


Will the Supreme Court Force Taxpayers to Pay for Catholic Schooling?

St. Isidore is using the courts to further its own conservative Catholic agenda, but that is not all. It is advancing the privatization of public education—charter schools, school choice, parental rights, and remote learning—to claim it as a public institution and also not.


Charter school bill narrowly fails in North Dakota House; Senate considers similar bill

Opponents said the Legislature has already awarded innovation grants to school districts to provide new educational opportunities.


One Less KIPP

After the KIPP charter school chain shut down three franchises, the LAUSD Board rejected renewing another, citing poor academic performance.


Opinion: Data doesn’t show that Alaska charter schools are more effective than neighborhood schools

The state’s data showed the governor’s takeaway was incorrect. He was wrong that Peterson’s study showed the superior effectiveness of Alaskan charter schools over neighborhood schools.


Letter: Report on charter schools should alarm everybody

“Group scrutinizes cyber charter spending on cars, dining and entertainment” (Reading Eagle, Jan. 29) should disgust each one of us. There’s a lack of oversight or accountability for these schools. Giving taxpayer money to any enterprise without sufficient accountability is a recipe for disaster.