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Who’s cashing in reading instruction these days? Nancy Bailey has some ideas. Reposted with permission. 

The Reading League, which promotes the Science of Reading and evidence-based instruction, recently had a conference sponsored by companies (listed below) selling reading programs and materials, including online instruction. Where’s evidence these companies provide authentic research indicating they work?

Some states and school districts now mandate the Science of Reading (Schwartz, 2022). They have ruled out several programs, Lucy Calkins Units of StudyReading Recovery, and Fountas and Pinnell claiming they do not reflect science. However, it’s hard to find evidence that these other advertised programs work despite the constant demand that schools use evidence-based instruction.

Educational programs have always had a competitive welcome seat at the table. Teachers use resources, and school districts purchase these programs at a high cost for instruction. However, an overall examination should include broad peer-reviewed research of all reading programs from those not connected to the companies and not compensated for their reviews.

Here are additional concerns:

America needs a new National Reading Panel of researchers, teachers, parents, and students. Thus far, there needs to be more initiative for a new NRP. Could it be that the Science of Reading would crumble under such scrutiny?

Here are the sponsors that promoted The Reading League’s recent conference. Some simply sell decoding books. If aware of peer-reviewed studies that I may have overlooked for any of these programs or assessments, please share.

Schwartz, S. (2022, July 20). Which States Have Passed ‘Science of Reading’ Laws? What’s in Them? Education Week. Retrieved from https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/which-states-have-passed-science-of-reading-laws-whats-in-them/2022/07.