If you’re concerned about reading scores, Nancy Bailey suggests you look to our national No Child Left Behind hangover– and suggests solutions. Reposted with permission.
Recent NAEP reading scores show students have made negligible improvement in reading. While there could be various reasons for this, it’s critical to recognize that the curse of NCLB policies has driven public education for almost 25 years, and changing course and reevaluating what isn’t working is essential.
NCLB led to Common Core State Standards, which are also problematic, but for this post, I’ll concentrate on NCLB’s effects on reading.
Here are key concerns.
1. Poverty remains a huge problem.
Underfunded schools, inequitable funding, and economic segregation have existed for years. Many children lack health care, are food insecure, and could face homelessness.
NCLB talked about the poor and reading and made promises but used punitive methods (remember KIPP charters and “No Excuses”?) to close schools and open charter schools.
Still today, poor schools might lack necessities like libraries, librarians, and decent facilities. How do children learn to read and enjoy it if they cannot access books they like or attend decent schools?
Create federal, state, and local funding formulas that steer more resources and provide better conditions for poor schools in lower socio-economic areas.
2. Why is kindergarten first grade?
Pushing kindergartners to read before they’re developmentally ready while reducing supervised, unstructured play began with the high-stakes standards promoted by NCLB.
Researchers at the University of Virginia examined kindergarten classes and teachers between 1998 and 2010, determining that this class had become the new first grade, leaving behind age-appropriate activities children once received.
…teachers in 2010 were far less likely to indicate that their classroom included various activity centers, including art areas, dramatic play areas, science areas, or water/ sand tables. These trends are consistent with the possibility that a heightened focus on literacy and math instruction crowded out coverage of other subjects.
Shouldn’t it raise questions about why kids are pressured and no longer like to read or do it well?
Return kindergarten to the joyful class it used to be, relying on early childhood specialists to determine how that class should be run.
3. Third-grade retention is unnecessary.
Many states adopted third-grade retention, and research has demonstrated its harm. Simply promoting students without helping with reading difficulties is wrong, too.
Third grade is still a pivotal year for reading instruction, where children obtain vital reading skills, including phonics. Schools should provide remedial reading or resource classes if children struggle.
There are far better solutions than third-grade retention, and children can still become good readers in fourth grade and beyond.
Drop third-grade retention and focus on more positive ways to assist students in learning to read.
4. The National Reading Panel needs a redo.
Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush supported the National Reading Panel. The panel excluded early educators, those responsible for instruction, and those who understand student reading difficulties and school problems.
Joanne Yatvin, a principal, recused herself from the panel, believing the work was dreadfully incomplete (See: I Told You So! The Misinterpretation and Misuse of The National Reading Panel Report).
The panel considered only 100 studies and failed to review research concerning whole language (See Surviving Shock and Awe: NCLB vs. Colleges of Education by Nancy Mellin McCracken).
America’s students and teachers deserve a new national reading panel that includes current early education and reading.
5. The Science of Reading has been around for years.
The Science of Reading (SoR) has been pushed since 2001 even earlier. NCLB’s Reading First, a scandal, reduced reading to isolating sounds through rote direct instruction focused on early learners. Students came away lacking comprehension skills.
The SoR still seems primarily about marketing programs for teacher education and student instruction chosen with little scrutiny.
Phonics and direct instruction can help students with reading difficulties. Still, children learn to read using various methods.
Insist teachers get well-rounded instruction concerning reading in their education schools, ensuring students get the rich reading instruction they deserve.
6. The Regular Education Movement changed classrooms.
The reauthorization of the All Handicapped Children Act in 1998 and again in 2004, during NCLB, changed to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), mostly favored inclusion (the least restrictive environment), placing students with disabilities in general classes, even though some parents still want more individualized and small-group instruction.
Also, for years, teachers had to earn credentials by studying reading disabilities and how to work with students with reading problems. This changed.
Now, many general education teachers include students with disabilities in large class sizes without support from a special education teacher. Teachers may choose direct instruction because it’s manageable, although not always better, than individual or small group instruction.
Increase parental options for resource or self-contained classes, including individual and small group instruction, with teachers who obtain specialized university preparation in particular exceptional areas.
7. Standardized testing is still a problem.
Since NCLB, high-stakes standardized testing has seriously changed how teachers provide instruction. Not only could children feel anxious due to testing, but teachers are forced to teach to the test.
Students with disabilities must be included in state assessments, and special education goals must align with the standardized tests, raising questions about the meaning of the IEP.
Such a narrow curriculum reduces the quality of education for all students.
Also, are these tests age-appropriate?
Reduce standardized testing in favor of teacher-administered class tests and observation, and reduce the test-taking pressure on children, especially students with disabilities.
8. Teacher quality is critical.
NCLB insisted that teachers be highly qualified (most already had certification). Concurrently, they promoted Teach for America college graduates who taught briefly after five weeks of training.
For years, policymakers and those who don’t teach have disparaged teachers in the media. It’s time for teachers who provide instruction to have a seat at the table.
We need to strengthen education schools to prepare great teachers. Specializations for students with disabilities should be included, and every student should get a credentialed teacher who understands how to teach their subjects, including reading.
9. Online instruction needs better oversight.
NCLB increased online instruction, tracking, and data collection. Today, many online programs for reading instruction and preparing teachers to teach reading are purchased by school districts with little independent peer-reviewed research.
We need independent researchers to evaluate the programs on the market better.
10. Bring back the arts.
The arts were severely reduced with NCLB since they are difficult to test with high-stakes standardized tests. However, there’s evidence that they help children do better and stay in school.
They can help children with disabilities with spatial perception and eye-hand coordination and much more.
However, the arts are essential for providing all children with a break from academics, helping them to glean new insights, and giving instruction and success to students.
All children deserve the arts: drawing, performing, painting, dancing, and more.
11. Children learn to read with a variety of subjects.
NCLB heavily focused on reading and math at the expense of history, geography, civics, science, and other subjects.
Children learn to read when they have access to subjects that pique their interest.
12. Give children several recess breaks every day.
Eliminating recess happened before NCLB, but the policy did not emphasize its return. Children need several supervised but unstructured breaks during school to recharge and socialize with their peers.
Brain breaks and shaking the wiggles out in class are not enough. Physical education is not recess.
Ensure that all children get adequate recess breaks every day in school.
After 25 years of the same complaints and questionable testing, it’s time to change the paradigm and see reading in a new light.
Start by re-examining the curse of NCLB and see if children learn to like to read again.
Yatvin, J. (2007, April 30). I Told You So! The Misinterpretation and Misuse of The National Reading Panel Report. Education Week. Retrieved from: https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/opinion-i-told-you-so-the-misinterpretation-and-misuse-of-the-national-reading-panel-report/2003/04