Maurice Cunningham: Moms for Liberty Cuddles Up to Proud Boys . . . Again
Stung by rousing defeats and apparently trying to salvage the brand, the Moms made a fuss about dethroning two local chapter leaders over untoward team-ups with the Proud Boys, as if those two rogue Moms were the beginning and end of the problem. Maurice Cunningham says otherwise, and he has brought receipts.
Here’s the latest evidence of the close relationship between Moms for Liberty and the Proud Boys, reported on November 13 by Robert Burns in the Space Rocket Daily, Moms for Liberty leadership Poses with Proud Boys and Flashes “White Power” Sign.
“This time, several members of Moms for Liberty in Kentucky, and at least two of is County Chapter Chairs in Kentucky, posted photos of themselves posing with a Kentucky Chapter of The Proud Boys. Also in the photos, some of the members are flashing what is known to most as the “white power” symbol.”
Mirna Eads, an M4L chapter chair, spoke candidly to reporter Burns: “We posed with them because we had a goal in common: raising awareness of the dangers that lurk around our children and that we were both labeled as hate groups by the SPLC.” . . . When we asked Mirna about the sign that Boone County Chapter Chair Karen Strayer was displaying in the photo commonly known as the “white power” sign she stated “That is the 3% Patriot Symbol. The 3%ers: a group of patriots. The group advocates gun ownership rights.”
David Gilbert of Vice News provided a comprehensive of Moms for Liberty’s ties to Proud boys and other extremist groups in Inside Moms for Liberty Close Relationship with the Proud Boys. Here’s a sample:
“But the attacks didn’t just come from Moms for Liberty members, Caballero said; they also came from members of a local Proud Boys chapter. The Vice City Proud Boys were co-founded by former Proud Boy “chairman” Enrique Tarrio, who earlier this month was found guilty of seditious conspiracy by a federal jury in Washington, D.C. The alleged attacks included threats to her business, deeply personal messages referencing past trauma, and false police reports against her.”
“It’s not just Proud Boys that Moms for Liberty has allegedly gotten involved with, however. A VICE News investigation has uncovered links between numerous Moms for Liberty chapters and extremist groups like the Proud Boys, Three Percenters, sovereign citizen groups, QAnon conspiracist, Christian nationalists, and in one case, with the founder of the AK-47-worshiping Rod of Iron Ministries church in Pennsylvania. Around the country, Moms for Liberty has formed links with extremist groups and militias, which are joining forces with the “parental rights” group at protests and school board meetings, and in turn pushing the already far-right organization toward even more extreme ideology.”
“During her six months as a member of Moms for Liberty, Caballero was involved in multiple situations where the group’s members collaborated with the Proud Boys, she said, including a school board meeting in October 2021 where a left-wing activist was harassed outside a meeting for wearing a mask.”
“The Proud Boys are heavily involved in the Miami chapter of Moms for Liberty,” Caballero said. “Moms for Liberty want to push their agenda with fear, harassment, and intimidation, and they have the Vice City Proud Boys as their foot soldiers.”
According to The Daily Beast, writing about Bridget Ziegler’s re-election to Sarasota county School board in 2022:
“Just look at 30-year-old Nicholas Radovich, who showed up in a Proud Boys hat and T-shirt at an Aug. 23 election night celebration following a triple win for right-wing school board candidates in Sarasota, Florida. . . . When the time came for a group picture, Radovich and 50-year-old fellow Proud Boy John Hoel joined everybody else. The beaming people crowded around Radovich did not seem bothered by his Proud Boys attire. They did not seem to notice that he was flashing a white power hand signal.”
The press asked Bridget Ziegler about her Proud Boys support, she distanced herself, and a pissing match between her and Hoel ensued.
That is not close to the end of it. Read the full post here for more examples of Mom and Boy coziness.