Our mission: To preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.

In Tennessee, pro-vouchers advocates from around the nation have thrown a lot of money to buy themselves a voucher program. In an op-ed for The Tennessean, State Senator Charlane Oliver explained why vouchers are a bad idea.

As a product of zoned public schools, a mother of three children currently attending Metro Nashville public schools, and the daughter of a 33-year veteran special education teacher, I’m writing to forewarn parents, educators, and taxpayers that Governor Lee’s proposed $400 million school voucher plan is a scam.

Vouchers are a direct assault on public schools, creating a two-tiered education system that siphons your hard-earned tax dollars away from the schools serving the majority of our Black, brown, poor and disabled children and funneling them into private schools that are unaccountable and inaccessible to most of us.