Author Archives for CarolBurris

National Public Schools Week and More

March 8, 2018 9:12 pm Published by Comments Off on National Public Schools Week and More

Read about Public Schools Week, our NEW Online Learning report, and the results of our gun control survey in this week's newsletter.

Important News from NPE

December 13, 2017 3:32 pm Published by Comments Off on Important News from NPE

Read our latest newsletter to learn more about a new board member, the latest installment of our video series, and how you can support our work in 2018.

Tell Congress to renew CHIP insurance for children

October 4, 2017 1:51 pm Published by Comments Off on Tell Congress to renew CHIP insurance for children

CHIP was due to be re-authorized by September 30. But Congress just let it expire. Congress must renew CHIP and restore its funding today.