Author Archives for CarolBurris

Stop the Funding of Charters Run For Profit

July 1, 2024 10:41 pm Published by Comments Off on Stop the Funding of Charters Run For Profit

The CHARTER Act would ensure that every charter school is in full compliance with the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 (ESEA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) by denying federal funds to any charter school that enters into a contract with a for-profit entity to operate, oversee or manage the school. When passed, this Act will close the loophole that profiteers have exploited.

New Report on Community Schools, the De Vos War on Public Education and More

May 30, 2024 7:27 am Published by Comments Off on New Report on Community Schools, the De Vos War on Public Education and More

From the East Coast to the West, community schools are forging new bonds among families, schools, and community-based services to revitalize neighborhood public schools. Their mission is to promote the well-being of students and families and to make schools more responsive to the needs of those they serve.

NPE Mourns the Loss of Jeannie Oakes, a Warrior for Equitable Schools

April 27, 2024 3:01 pm Published by Comments Off on NPE Mourns the Loss of Jeannie Oakes, a Warrior for Equitable Schools

Jeannie never fell for the fashionable neo-liberal reforms. She opposed high-stakes testing. She fought for community schools. Over coffee, she once told NPE Executive Director Carol Burris, “Of course, privatizing public education is about making a profit. It's not about children. That is what capitalism does—it constantly seeks new markets.”

Center for Evaluation and Education Policy: NPE is #3 Edu Think Tank in the Nation

April 23, 2024 10:46 am Published by Comments Off on Center for Evaluation and Education Policy: NPE is #3 Edu Think Tank in the Nation

The Center for Evaluation and Education Policy at Indiana University released its list of the top most influential think tanks. The Network for Public Education was rated #3. NPE was also rated #11 in scholarly expertise, with Diane Ravitch rated #3 as an edu-influencer and Carol Burris at #19.