Don’t Miss NPE in the News!
Ravitch Responds To DeVos And School Privatization
Hofstra University’s Alan Singer writes about Network for Public Education’s “8 Powerful Voices in Defense of Public Education” for the Huffington Post.
Why Are Betsy DeVos and Bill Gates Afraid of This Grandmother?
Steve Nelson reacts to the just released video of Diane Ravitch, the first in the “8 Powerful Voices in Defense of Public Education” project.
Problems with charter schools that you won’t hear Betsy DeVos talk about
In her latest post for the Answer Sheet, Network for Public Education’s Carol Burris details issues that charter school proponents don’t want to talk about.
Don’t Like Betsy DeVos? Blame the Democrats.
Don’t miss this must read piece by NPE President Diane Ravitch published in New Republic.
The problems with 2017 national rankings of America’s high schools
Read Carol latest post in the Answer Sheet, where she looks at high school ranking systems, and why charters are coming out on top.
Three big problems with school ‘choice’ that supporters don’t like to talk about
School privatizers have installed choice systems before the public understands the negative long-term consequences that will result.
School choice a sham, profits on the taxpayers’ dime
Read Carol Burris’s Arizona Capital Times opinion piece on the charter school sector in Arizona.
What the public isn’t told about high-performing charter schools in Arizona
NPE Executive Carol Burris latest charter report on BASIS charters in Arizona.
@ISSUE: How will charter schools fare under Trump?
In this article in New Jersey’s Asbury Park Press, NPE’s Carol Burris answers a series of questions asking “How will charter schools fare under Trump?”
Kentucky, stand up for your public schools
NPE President Diane Ravitch published an opinion piece in Louisville Kentucky’s Courier-Journal warning of the dangers of charter schools.
NPE board member Julian Vasquez Heilig in IQ2US debate
NPE board member Julian Vasquz-Heilig recently participated in the IQ2US debate, Charter Schools are Overrated. Watch the debate here.
A cautionary tale about the fight over a charter school and the effect on a community
NPE Executive Director Carol Burris shares a cautionary charter school tale from Philadelphia, PA.
Watch NPE President, Diane Ravitch, Explain the False Promise of Privatization on PBS
Last week Diane appeared on the Tavis Smiley show. Listen to this extraordinary interview.