July 12, 2017 2:16 pm

Action Alert: Every Child Deserves a Well-Prepared Teacher

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The SUNY Charter Committee recently introduced a proposal that would allow adults with minimal training to be certified to teach in charter schools.  The plan would only require a college degree, supervision by another charter school teacher and 30 hours of coursework provided by the charter school.

Sign our letter to the SUNY Board asking them to make sure that every New York student is taught by a professionally trained teacher.

This would result in a two-tier system of teacher certification that would further the already inequitable treatment of children in our state. There would be a high standard for the teachers of students in public schools and a lesser standard for teachers in SUNY certified charters. As New York State increases its public school teacher requirements through the TEACH NY initiative supported by the same SUNY Board, the lowering of standards for charter school teachers is morally troubling–especially given that most charter students are students of color.

This initiative has been pushed by the charter schools, especially Success Academy, which has come under scrutiny for practices that are questionable at best and discriminatory at worst. These practices include a regimented behavioral student management system, public ripping of student work that is imperfect, “got to go” lists, extreme disciplinary practices, excessive test prep, and the pushing out of students who are non-compliant.

Sign our letter to the SUNY Board asking them to make sure that every New York student is taught by a professionally trained teacher.

While the Network for Public Education has serious concerns regarding charter schools, we believe that the students who attend them deserve a professionally certified teacher who is trained beyond the narrow vision of charter school practices.

Sign our letter to the SUNY Board asking them to make sure that every New York student, charter or public, is taught by a professionally trained teacher. Then share the link to this petition with family and friends, and ask them to sign on as well.