Our mission: To preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.

Join NPE’s Campaign to Say “No For DeVos”

Dear {{ FirstName | default: ‘Public Education Ally’ }}

As you’ve undoubtedly heard, President-elect Donald Trump has nominated billionaire school choice champion Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education. NPE responded quickly, launching a letter writing campaign to the Senate the morning after Thanksgiving.

In the three days since, our campaign has generated over 72,000 letters.

Here is what NPE President Diane Ravitch had to say about the DeVos nomination:

“Betsy DeVos’s hostility to public schools makes her unfit to be Secretary of Education. She has a long record of supporting private and religious schools, not public schools. Those of us who believe that public education is a public responsibility, not a consumer good, must resist her nomination. Police departments, firefighters, public libraries, public parks, public beaches, public schools: these belong to all of us. DeVos should continue her privatization campaign in the private sector, not as the Secretary of Education.”

npe-call-to-actionI am writing today to ask for your help in our campaign to keep DeVos out of public office. We have December and part of January to continue to educate the public and to push back against her nomination.

Here’s what you can do to help make sure Senators in your area know about the opposition to DeVos as Secretary of Education:

Send an action alert email to your followers with a link to the campaign and a brief explanation as to why DeVos is unfit to be Secretary of Education.

Share the link with either of the images below via social media.




Thank you for your help with this grassroots campaign.

Darcie Cimarusti

Grassroots Project Manager


Carol Burris

Executive Director